11-We're Going on a Trip.

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"Where were you at lunch today?" asked Xenon as he walked me to Physics.

"I had to take care of something, did I miss anything important?"

"Not really, Grayson was looking for you. I think he likes you, but so does every other guy in this school," he said with a light chuckle.

"How funny," I commented. "Where has he been lately?"

"He had to take care of something. But he's back now."

"Does he go away often?"

"I haven't known him long enough to say. I've known him for as long as I've known Tyme, though I'm not as fond of him because he's barely around."

"So you and Tyme aren't related?" I asked oddly.

He broke out a hysterical laugh. "We look nothing alike what makes you think that?"

"I heard you mention you live together the other day..."

"No, we not related but over the few months I've known him, he's become like a brother to me" he told me with a smile. "Anyway, here you are. Physics. I'll see you later."

"Thanks, bye." I mumbled a string of swear words as I went in. So far, I had nothing substantial on Tyme and absolutely nothing on the retrieving my target.

I was screwed.

The physics lesson went on for an eternity and the entire time I was stuck trying to figure out a different tactic I could use to get information from Tyme. At the end of the hour I still had nothing and the entire process was starting to annoy me quite frankly.

"Blayze," Trent joined me as soon as I was out the door. We hadn't hadn't discussed anything about last night but then again we never did. There was some unspoken rule where what we said to each other was never brought up again but it helped us understand the other better.

"I just found out something interesting," he continued.


"Come with me." Trent led the way towards the old abandoned fountain behind the building. Students rarely came to this part of the school so it seemed a safe spot to have an unfiltered conversation.

"Valak sent in the fingerprints I gave her and they came back negative. There's nothing on Grayson. No school history or past addresses, we don't even know where this guy is from. He's a complete ghost."

"Are you sure? There has to be something on him," I said. Trent shook his head fervently, the Agency didn't make mistakes like that. If there was even a sliver of information on Grayson, I trusted our research department to find it.

"Just some fake IDs he's used in the past but they're all dead ends. Whoever this guy is, he's smart and possibly dangerous."

"It has to be him then, there's no one else," I concluded. "Let's bring him in."

Guys, Lies and Deadly Spies. (rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now