12- Assassin's Annihilation.

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I quickly changed into my sports kit and made my way towards the kickboxing ring just as coach blew the whistle

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I quickly changed into my sports kit and made my way towards the kickboxing ring just as coach blew the whistle.

"Okay gather around boys... and girl," he included. Couch was a stout with tufts hair growing only around the edges of his head so he wore a cap to cover his baldness. Most of the students loved him even though he had quite an ill temper when his teams lost.

"As most of you know, today we are having a friendly match against Westwood High. Marcus you are in first then Jeffery and Andy."

"Sir, Andy didn't make it to school today, his sister is in hospital," answered one of the boys.

"So?" he asked. Exactly the same question I was asking myself.

"She's got stage four cancer, sir," he said.

The coach shook his head. "Okay then. Lucas, you're in."

Lucas shook his head as well. "I haven't completed my training sir,"

"Who the hell's fault is that?"

"I'll play, sir," I volunteered.

The whole team stared at me before scoffing and chuckling like lunatics.

"Blayze, with all due respect-"

"If what you're about to say has anything to do with me being a girl..."

"I was about to say, most of these players have had over a year of training, I can't let you play, you got no experience."

"Trust me, I got enough," I assured him. I needed this after the day I'd been having.

After lots of convincing the coach decided to let me play, but only one round then he was pulling me out. I was going up against Andy's opponent, he'd had six championships the last three seasons and Westwood currently depended on him for their final win.

"Blayze, you're up next," the coach murmured with disappointment as they dragged Jeffery's beaten up body out of the ring. I hopped in.

"BLAYZE DO NOT DO THIS!" mouthed Darwin.

"Your gorgeous face will get messed up," Nito followed. I just rolled my eyes and walked further into the ring.

My opponent looked like a terrible concoction of protein shakes and steroids. His head was completely shaven with beads of sweat clinging onto his forehead, he had on a golden mouth-guard, coated by a thick layer of spit which I spotted when he smiled smugly.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you just because you're a girl," he growled.

"I expect nothing less than your best," I replied.

As soon as the bell went off he lunged at me and drew his knee up to my stomach until I toppled to the floor painfully. A choir of groans echoed as though the crowd felt my pain.

"Blayze you have to lose the match or else our cover is blown," Trent had told me. I'd agreed because I understood. With the entire mission falling apart, the least I could do was salvage what little of our cover I could and make it out without giving away our true identity. So, I had to do what I'd be dreading to ever since I could remember, I had to try and loose.

I got up only to be knocked over on my back. A loud ringing sound lingered in my ears and my eyes dilated as my head hit the ground. Though faint, I could hear the crowd. Some cheered, others were completely against the mere idea of this match even being allowed to go forth.

Suddenly I remembered the first time Valak sent me to train with the mentors of the Agency. They were all twice my size and beat me without so much as breaking a sweat. That night, as she soaked me in an ice bath, Valak told me that loosing was never an option. Loosing was a sign of weakness; and I was anything but weak. "Don't ignore your emotions, use them for your own benefit."

When this man grabbed me by the neck, I did what Valak had taught me to do. I fused each tactical move with my anger and pain. I blocked his jabs and planted one right in his chest before landing a powerful kick against his head.

The cheering of the crowd grew louder as adrenaline pumped furiously through my veins. I used each and every ounce of it; my failing mission, this school, these people, Grayson, Tyme. I pummelled it all into him as hard as it had hit me. The more I hit him the less I began using my head and the more I used my heart.

I absorbed each punch he landed on me and used it to fuel my anger. I saw everything I hated in him and I wanted to destroy it. I grabbed his thick wrist, snapping it as I swung him to the floor where he landed with a thud.

In seconds I was on him deteriorating his face into nothing but flesh and blood. My eye's blurred from the tears that threatened to fall, but I didn't pause. The crowd's cheers turned into cries of concern, but I didn't dare cease.

"Blayze stop!" Trent warned as he entered the ring, but they pulled him back. "No! You don't understand. She won't stop!"

I didn't. I drove my fist into every inch of his face and as I did, I felt all anger draining from me. Then I picked him up and threw him before finishing him off with a jacked kick in the gut that landed him all the way across the ring.

"B92!" Trent yelled. I paused at the mention of my name. My chest panting from the energy that vibrated through my entire being. "Stop," he pleaded. " Please. Stop."

That's when I stood up and the few people watching cheered. We hadn't won but I'd gotten a great work out and I was ready to finish off this mission.

"How did you do that?" asked Darwin in amazement as we walked to the car park. This time, I didn't get punished for beating someone up, perhaps kickboxing was my calling after all.

"I took a few lessons when I was young, caught a few moves." I explained.

"Seemed like more than a few to me," mumbled Louis but I chose to ignore him. He was still mad at me for his little hair incident.

"Well, we better get going." I announced as I clicked on the car keys.

"Bye guys, catch you tomorrow," Trent said as they all did their funny handshakes.

"You coming man?" Marcus asked him. Trent seemed confused.

"I'll explain on the way," I told him. Boy was he in for the shock of his life.

Sooo... I doubt anyone saw that coming...

*Shrugs awkwardly because she has absolutely nothing else to say.

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