Chapter 2

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I stand proud of my self for bringing all the boxes in its gonna take me awhile to adjust living by myself I'm 18 and just moved out of my parents house this is defiantly not what I had pictured as my first house but it's alright I guess it's not to bad. the house is really dirty it think I have OCD. I begin searching the house every inch I get the a corner I see a small nail sticking out well I better fix that. I shrug it off I was about to walk away but in the corner of my eye I noticed blood on the wall I didn't think when I first saw the nail it was there. I though of the possibilities for it being there and none came to mind maybe it was red paint u never know. I walk back into the living room where I had put all the boxes I grab the 2 boxes that said kitchen and and take them to the kitchen. I grab the box that says bathroom and take it to the bathroom I do the same with all of the boxes. when I go back to the kitchen all the plays are all over the floor and I can't find the box. I stand there I know I didn't do this. I bend down a pick up the plates and cups just forgetting everything. I put the plates in one cabinet and cups in another and silver where in another. I I'm packed most of my stuff I decide to do everything 2 morrow I had remember that all my furniture was brought yesterday and that cable was also turned on yesterday I walk into the living room and sit on the couch and turn on the tv. the show friends was on I really like that show. after a hour I feel my eyes getting heavy to lazy to go to my bed I lay on the couch and grab the blanket near bye and lay back Down I drift asleep


I'm standing in my house walking in the dark when I come to a group of people a little girl huddled in the corner I look over the guys shoulder they don't seen to notice me I see a little girl more sweat then ever she has a long white dress and black hair she was covered in blood from head to to when I looked a little closer in her for head was a. Bullet whole. I stumble back in disbelief every thing goes black until I see the little girl face she is a inch away from me looking me straight in the eye and she screams "YOUR NEXT!"

My eyes fly open I was awake I relax after my dream I check the time on my phone 9:34 am I sit up and crawl out of the blankets. the ground feels cold to my bare feet I was walking to the kitchen when I stop and realize that I had just passed the corner that I saw In my dream with the girl covered in blood and her long black hair I stop and stare I shake it off and continue walking into the kitchen.


A little longer chapter kind of how do u like it I have been really updating a lot cause I'm reading this really good story called AFTER u should check it out 😊

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