Holiday with a hooligan 1/2

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I woke up with the feeling that someone was watching me and as I looked around I quickly found the culprit.

There, at the end of my bed, sat Adam.

Seriously, why is my brother such a morning person. Creepy. Couldn't he be a normal twenty-one year old that loved to sleep.


Not my brother.

Instead my bro is a chirpy little morning person, while I'm the classic night owl. Just my luck, I guess.

Ah well, it's to late to take him back to the hospital to get a refund or exchange. They only accept little buggers until them buggers turn eighteen, after that your stuck with the morning-lovers forever.

'Hey creep!' I say to him, watching the amused glint in his eye grow.

'Hey, sleepy. You still up for New York this weekend - right?' He asks while smiling at me.

'Of course, you sure you can handle me?' I say in a sassy, know-it-all voice.

He gets up, shaking his head as he leaves the room. But then he suddenly stops by my door and turns around.

'Ana, you should get laid more often, you are so sassy and confident after a good fuck and so much more fun to be with.' He states with a smirk as he leaves the room.

I, on the other hand, am blushing profusely. I can't believe my bro knew I got some action. Am I normally such a bore that when I let lose a little it's a complete tell that I had sex?

Or did Clare tell him.

I bet it was Clare, she may be my friend but she can't keep a secret for shit. I'm gonna kill her. That bitch has eaten her last cinna-stack at IHOP. Yeah, I mean business.

I don't know why but around my bro, Clare's lips were as loose as the kindergarten tattletale's. Ew, okay maybe I do know why. Adam is hot, I see why she likes him, with his hair - dark and thick like mine and pouty lips that I also happen to share - yip I just complemented my bro and indirectly myself and am completely okay with it, but still, it's gross that she likes him. He's also three years younger than us and the though I love Clare like a sister, I do not want to imagine her and Adam together... hooking up....... GAG!

I think I just think I threw up a little.

As I get ready for the rest of the week I make a mental note to tell off Clare when I see her.

Once I'm dressed I think about this weekend with Adam. I'm excited. I feel like me and Adam haven't really hung out much recently and I'm glad to spend some time with him. And knowing the party animal that is my brother I know this weekend in New York is gonna rock.

I might even top yesterday's hangover this weekend. Adam loves the night scene.

*four days later*

It's finally Friday-yay!

Adam picked me up earlier and now we are driving to the airport. He still hasn't told me what party we are going to later tonight, although I'm not worried. Adam would never drag me to a rave, wait would he? I mean, why else would he not tell me where we're going.

Oh hell no! I'm way to awkward to go to a rave. I suppose I could always swallow my awkwardness with some liquid courage.

And be a drunken fool? Do you really want a repeat of last weekend Ana? You got lucky in more than one way last weekend, thank god hunky grunting classmate Charles was clean and they had used protection. Guys you pick up at raves would not be so caring.

Sometimes I hate how rational I am.

*on the plane*

As we boarded the plane Adam flirted with the cute air hostess while I rolled my eyes. I was even more shocked when about half way through the flight Adam and the air hostess tumbled out of the restroom all red faced and flustered.

Great, just great. While I'm stressing about the fact that we are thousands of meters above the ground in a tin lunch box, my bro was joining the mile high club.

Ana is a bit full of herself is she not? Sometimes I just want to tell her that the whole world doesn't revolve around her, wait, I created her, it's my fault she has such a big head. Oops!

Lol guys......Poor Ana's scared of flying, who else is scared of heights or flying?✈️
I hope you enjoy the extra long chapter, you deserved it. I'll post again soon, I promise.

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