Chosen by the Light or Dark?

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Chapter One: The Beginning

~~~Four Years Ago~~~

Mimi laid there and watched as her roommate, Damon, paced around the dark room.

Damon and his little brother, Eli, were her best friends. Their family watched over her since her family was traveling the world, checking in on her maybe once a year.

She was always scared to sleep alone, still scared to wake up and be all alone with no one there for her. She tried rooming with Eli once, but he rolled around too much and one time even managed to kick her in the face in his sleep.

He was only a couple of months younger than her, while Damon on the other hand was four years older than them.

She watched Damon's face glow in the dim light emitting from the TV.

Ever since his parents had pulled him into his fathers office for a long, private talk earlier that day, he hadn't acted the same. He seemed frightened, angry, and distant. And sometimes even a look of sadness would flash across his eyes. She had never seen him this way before in her life. She allowed him to pace about a minute longer before she decided to speak up.

"Damon," she said in a quiet voice,"will you please lay down or turn on the lamp...anything so I can sleep?"

He stopped abruptly and slowly turned his head towards her.

"Give me just a minute," he growled through clenched teeth.

"Okay...," She said sinking down into the covers, scared to say anything else that might possibly set him off. He paced for another ten minutes before she spoke up again. "...Damon? Are you okay?"

He stomped to her side of the bed quickly and pulled her to her feet without saying a word. "What are you-" she said before he slammed her pillow into her arms. He guided her towards his open bedroom door and turned her around to face him. His expression seemed a bit more relaxed than it had been.

"Mimi, I just need you to room with Eli for tonight," he said dully. She looked down and nodded her head as he began to shut the door. She stuck her hand out and stopped the door before he shut it completely. He turned around and stared at her blankly.

"Love you, Damon..." She said while still staring down at the floor. She felt a cold, clammy hand on her cheek followed by a soft pair of lips on her forehead.

"I love you too, kiddo. Now go to Eli's room and go straight to sleep," he ordered before closing the door in her face. She heard it lock as she turned her back to it.

She started down the hallway and arrived to Eli's door. She heard his soft snores and mumbles and chuckled before she cracked the door open. The faint light from the hallway offered a sight of his form sprawled out about the bed, he chest slowly rising and falling. She slowly crept over to the bed and attempted to nudge him over, causing him to sit up in shock with a groan.

"What are you doing?" He asked looking up at her through squinted eyes.

"Damon told me to sleep in here," she whispered.

He mumbled something as he scooted over and patted the empty spot next to him. She placed her pillow down and laid down in the warm, cozy spot he made for her. They turned their backs to each other and covered up. As she started to doze off, she felt Eli place his back against hers and nuzzle up to her before she heard his soft snores begin to erupt again. She smiled to herself before drifting off into a deep sleep.

She woke in the middle of the night to a startling noise. It wasn't long until she heard it once again. It sounded like someone was crying from a few rooms away. Even though she believed it was impossible, there was only one person that crossed her mind as of who it could be. Damon.

She started to get up until she felt a slight pressure on her legs holding her down. She sat up and stared down curiously at her legs. Eli had his legs slung across hers in an awkward position. She sighed and laid back down, listening to both the heartbreaking sobs and the peaceful snores. She wanted to go and comfort Damon, but she felt as if maybe he wanted to be by himself. She laid and listened to the sobs a while longer before mustering up the courage to shove Eli's legs off of her and walk into the hallway.

The closer she got to his door, the louder the sobs grew. By the time she reached it she just stood there and listened, debating on whether she should just go back to bed or not. But before she could go with her decision to knock, she heard a shout from inside.

"Go away! Get back to bed!" He shouted, punching his door.

"But Damon, I just want to he-" she started.

"GO!" He warned once more, giving the door another threatening punch.

She scurried down the hallway back to Eli's room and quickly but quietly shut the door behind her. She laid back down on the bed as the silent tears escaped, rolling down her cheeks. He nuzzled her face in Eli's back, surprised she hadn't caused him to stir with all her movement. The event that just happened replayed over and over in her head as she silently cried herself back to sleep.

But not even her dreams met her escape from what she went through. She woke up for the fifth time in a row, this time to see the sun was out. It shined brightly through the windows.

She stretched out her stuff muscles and rolled over on her other side to where she could face Eli and tell him about what had happened that night. But when she rolled over, she realized he wasn't there. She looked over in the floor next to the bed thinking maybe he was tired of her restlessness and couldn't take it. But to her surprise her wasn't there either.

All of the sudden a loud bang came from the kitchen, followed by loud thuds and a cry of pain. She sprang to her feet and took off down the hall, following the sounds all the way to the kitchen. She turned around the corner of the kitchen doorway and gasped. She could do nothing but stare at the sight in front of her, horrified.

On the floor laid helpless Eli, trying to get to the sitting position in a pool of blood. His eyes danced around trying to focus in on his surroundings.

Towering over him was Damon, clenching a pan in one of his bloody hands. He looked down at Eli emotionlessly, as if nothing that was happening meant anything to him. Blood continued to trickle from Eli's forehead in great amounts. Before she could run forward to do anything, she felt another presence approach quickly behind her.

She turned with the same expression on her face to see that it was their mother, Jillian. Her expression matched Mimi's as she quickly brushed past her and kneeled down at Eli's side. Mimi was surprised to see that their father, Marcus, was not with her, bustling about to see what was going on.

Jillian held Eli's head in her lap and stared up at Damon with a different expression that what Mimi had expected to see. She looked up at him as if she understood, as if there were a good purpose behind his sudden madness. As if it were okay to beat his little brother until he almost bled out.

"Go see your father," she told him calmly.

He released the pan that was once clenched tightly in his hand and allowed it to collide loudly with the wooden floor. He looked up slowly, straight into Mimi's eyes and it caused her insides to freeze.

There was no way she was looking into the eyes of the Damon Mytor she knew. She was staring into the eyes of something else, a beast. He smirked at her evilly and brushed past her towards his fathers study. And it was from that day on that Damon Mytor would never be his old self again, and that being Mimi didn't know along with Eli. But what she did know is that she could never look at the Damon she thought she knew and loved the same ever again.

~~~~Hi guys! So I deleted my other story because I felt better about this one and felt it would be more interesting. I know I have not really given much detail in just this one chapter, but it's coming for ya ;) anyways please vote or comment, give me your opinions on what I could do to improve annnnd I love you all! Thank you :)~~~~

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