Chapter Four: Getaway

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I left the bathroom with a wet rag, carrying it towards the balcony. I saw Eli swinging on the wooden swing that hung on the balcony, looking over the beautiful back yard. He stared down at the rose garden, never blinking.

"Here you go," I said,gently placing the rag against his face until he grabbed it himself.

"Thanks," he mumbled. I sat down next to him and watched him. He wiped the remaining blood off of his face then carelessly threw the rag on the ground. He then leaned his head back and rested it against the top of the swing, closing his eyes and sighing heavily. There was a long silence between the two of us.

Suddenly Eli's eyes shot open and he jumped to his feet. He walked over to the balcony railing and propped against it, facing me. His eyes made him look exhausted, like he had been thinking way too much. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but then shut it again. His eyes stared into mine, but they were zoned out like he wasn't even looking at me. He gazed down to his feet and began to kick at a leaf.

"I guess I'll never understand like Damon, huh? Never be treated like a king. Never be anything compared to him." I stared up at him in surprise as he continued to kick at the leaf.

"Eli," I began,"don't you DARE start letting him get to you like this! It's what he wants, he wants to get you down. Don't you give him that satisfaction. Be the better guy that I know you are, Eli." He slowly looked up to me and stared at me like I had sad something completely unbelievable.

"Mimi, my parents look right through me. I try so hard, I've never done anything to disappoint them. And yet they still would choose Damon over me, after all that he has done. He's a MONSTER." I tried to think of something to say as I watched his eyes turn red and fill with tears. I reached up and grabbed his hand pulling him down next to me. The tears began to fall heavily from the both of us. I hated seeing him like this. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, his tears soaking the collar of my shirt. I rubbed his back and sighed.

"Look Eli, things are going to get better for you, I promise. And I'm here for you, the whole way. We're gonna get away from here, away from Damon and all that he has put us through. Look, if we can just find out what your family secret is, maybe that will help you figure things out a little better." He remained silent other than his sniffling. "Do you understand me,Eli?" I asked, pulling away to look at him. He just nodded his head and started to sway the swing.

We sat out on the swing another half an hour until we heard the front door slam downstairs and a vehicle rev up its engine and drive away. I left Eli to search the house to see if anyone was still home. No one. 

I walked to my room to gather some of my stuff before they returned. The last thing I wanted was to encounter Damon and listen to his smart remarks and see that smirk he constantly had glued to his face. I rolled my eyes at the thought as I grabbed the last of my necessities.

I walked down to Eli's room and opened the door. I froze and blushed instantly at the sight of him. He had his back turned to me staring into his closet. He had his shirt strown across the room and his jeans hung loosly on his hips. I quietly backed away and closed the door. After I felt the heat leave my cheeks I knocked lightly on the door. "One minute," he said loud enough for the neighbors to hear.

"Could you be a little louder?" I asked sarcastically with a chuckle. That was a mistake. I heard the window open in the room and I knew exactly what was about to happen. "Don't you da-" but I didn't have time to finish.

"AHHHHHHHH," was all I heard him scream continuously. Long ago this would've gave me a headache and busted my eardrums, but I had grown used to it. He continued screaming until I heard a muffled voice from the outside shout at him telling him to shut up before they called the cops. The door then suddenly opened and there stood the same Eli I had saw moments before at his closet. He wore a quirky grin on his face, "That loud enough for ya?" I tried not to look anywhere but his face and rolled my eyes.

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