Kyoukai no kanata
Plot: One day, high school student Akihito Kanbara instinctively goes to save his fellow schoolmate, Mirai Kuriyama from committing suicide. Following his pleas, Mirai suddenly stabs Akihito with a sword formed out of her own blood and is shocked to discover that Akihito is an immortal "half-youmu"-the offspring of a supernatural creature called a youmu and a human. After learning that Mirai is a Spirit World Warrior,specialists who protect humans from being affected by youmu-and the last surviving member of her spirit hunting clan, their lives become intertwined as Akihito seeks to help Mirai gain the confidence to kill youmu so that she may stop attempting to kill him as practice.
My opinion: This show is really good. It's very good with art and everything. At some point it gets funny and then at others it gets really serious. I can retaliate this show but I don't know to which show. I love all the characters. It's a very funny show. I hope you can watch it. I know a lot of people say it's boring but how about you give this show a chance. It ended really nice. I think it deserves a second season. It end really sad but then tours the end there's the happy ending.
Okay this show is complete. It has 12 episodes. The opening is Kyōkai no Kanata by Minori Chihara and the ending ( my favorite) is Daisy by Stereo Dive Foundation. The first 2-3 episodes it's boring but then it gets better. I like the way it ended. But your choice so you dicid.
Hope you enjoy! ^.^
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