Your love inspires me

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A/N: Quick one guys,this is my first fanfic and I started writing it when we were at episode 10 so I made an ending of my own for the GPF,but I hope it will be fine and you'll like it.I used some Russian expressions in the conversation to give it a more local air and I'll be posting the translation between [brackets] haha-thanks to my lovely colleague,Daniela,for that,who most certainly won't ever see this fic. Also,credits for the image above go to . So here we go:

''It's the second day of Christmas. After the Grand Prix, Victor and I decided to remain a while longer in Barcelona because the city is gorgeous in festive lights and Victor insisted that he wanted to celebrate Christmas together with me after my GPF victory. Yes, that's right, I won the gold medal and it seems that now, Victor wants to hold his promise from a couple of evenings back.... I don't know why this makes me feel so nervous and emotional!

I shared the podium with Otabek Altin, who won silver, he's a truly impressive guy. Yurio won bronze and the only thing he was annoyed by was that Otabek didn't win, he said Otabek deserved gold more than me. It seems that he doesn't regret too much falling behind Otabek, but rather that they both placed behind me... They appear to get along really well with each other,which makes me condone Yurio's anger towards me, I'm glad that he made a new friend..''

-Yuuri? Victor askes with a light smile on his lips,looking how a warm smile widenes upon his boyfriend's face,Yuuri being lost in thought.

-Oh,y-yeah? Sorry,I was just thinking... the last responds absentmindedly then blushes and lowers his eyes, keeping that smile on his lips.

Victor's gloved hand takes Yuuri's in his own and they walk together with a slow pace,sweeping through the Christmas market. After a while, the charming Russian man breaks the silence:

-You know,the other skaters are still here too. Maybe... you'd like to have a little party along with them! he suggests with an eyes-closed grin.

''Huh? Maybe he's thinking about...!'' Yuuri immediately thinks and blushes heavily, but shakes his head and continues mentally: ''Oh,don't be ridiculous,Yuuri!...'' .In the end,he replies:

-Victor...I don't think it would be too good of an idea,I mean..I don't want to make them think I want to do this just to brag in front of them and shove my victory in their faces as an act of defiance or arrogance..I don't want to send the wrong message across and I don't want to make the others feels bad.

He lowers his eyes, but squeezes Victor's hand harder to show the man that he wasn't upset about the question. Victor brushes a strand of hair out of Yuuri's face and places a soft kiss on his cheek, then looks him in the eyes.

-It's ok, Yuuri.- his voice is warm and full of affection and Yuuri blushes,as they continue to walk steadily,a wave of self-confidence washing over him.

-And then, I'm a little scared of Yurio's reaction,haha! He'd probably be able to toss us both over the balcony! He's at that age...

Victor places his free hand over his lips,deep in thought for a moment and says enthusiastically:

-Then, let's have a slumber party! and without waiting for approval,drags Yuuri after himself all the way to the hotel, the last trying to protest.



-YUUUURIIIIOOOOOO!!! the door was smashed against the wall and in the frame appeared a very enthusiastic Victor smiling widely, behind him sitting a terrified and exasperated Yuuri.

Yuri Plisetsky,l'elfe russe,was sitting on his bed,stuffed in warm blankets like a little cocoon, surrounded by cat plushies,with an already pissed face but just when the intruders burst in his room, he jumped out of his spot, anger visible all over his face.

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