The Coach ride.

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The poet and the  invisible cloak

went in a coach.

A free ride, dear folks,

the coachman had no idea,

up on his coach we sidled.

A joy ride it was to be

until we reached the sea.

The coach had a new passenger

a pretty one too!

I was all adrool,

till she took out her gun,

whoosh, went the fun!

in my direction was the gun pointed,

invisilble as I was,

nearly fainting with a pale face.

it was a frightening moment.

Till a gentle whisk of my wrist ,

made it clatter on the ground,

soon it was not to be found,

under the coach it was down.

The pretty messenger

was all flustered.

Couldn't make sense of my presence.

I wanted too to give her a scare.

So I did ,what I normally would'nt dare!

A gentle kiss on her cheek

through my invisible cloak's slight peek.

the poet and the invisible cloak's cheeky 


Made my day!

A ghostly presence, that was I

Scared her, she wanted to fly.

So much for the joyride

on the coach

to many more adventures I bow 

Me , the poet and my cheeky invisible cloak.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2014 ⏰

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