Chapter 1

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Keith wasn't good with words... like at all. He does fit a lot of Alpha sterotypes like being strong and intimidating. Keith was a wild card sometimes. A lot of his actions were reckless, he is stubborn as hell, and impulsive. Underneath all of that he is a caring person. Like all Alphas he wants to protect those close to them. A good trait for the head of families.


Keith had never had a real of his own family before since he was an orphan. Shiro took him under his wing at a young age. Growing up with Shiro certainly had had it's ups and downs. But Keith often pushed people who weren't Shiro away. Keith for a long time only depended on Shiro. He felt that he didn't need anyone else.

Keith is still a bit cold and distant just maybe not as much. He had found an adoptive family with his teammates.
Pidge, Hunk, and Allura were all Betas the peacekeepers of the pack. Most of the time it was Hunk trying to simmer down an argument. Pidge often showed the signs of being an Alpha , while Allura sometimes swayed in both Alpha and Omega territories. Keith and Shiro were the Alphas, the protectors. Shiro was the more rational one of the two. He often knew what to do in a dire situation, hence why he is the leader in battle. Keith is very protecting but very possessive. Often enough he would get very jealous of any one near spent too much time with a certain ocean eyed omega named Lance.
Lance and Coran were the only omegas out of the team. Coran often acted as a guide to all of them. Answering questions and also there to listen and give moral support. Lance was......Lance.

Lance was the pack's leader in domestic life. Allura and Coran were lucky enough to have similar dynamics on Altea but weren't officially apart of the pack yet. So to Shiro, Pidge, Hunk and Keith, Lance was the one that made them feel at home in space.


Keith could only feel his heart beat quicker at the thought of Lance. Keith closed his eyes to imagine the Omega. Lance was a bit tall and skinny but defiantly strong. He had bronze skin, and brown cropped but slightly curled hair.Most notably Lance had ocean blue eyes. A rarity in Cuban/Latino children. Those eyes showed so much love and kindness. Every time Lance looked at Keith with those eyes, it made his heart melt. Whenever Keith was about to attack harshly, Lance would come running in to help relax him. Lance's scent and eyes always calmed Keith's trademark hot-headedness.

Humans had four scent glands, two of their neck and one on each of their wrist. Omegas can release pheromones with calming properties but the most effective way to spread these pheromones is scent gland to scent gland. People can spread their own unique scent over people and things to comfort or claim.

Even the paladins, Allura, and Coran each have a special smell. Keith's scent is a spicy but sweet smell like cinnamon. Pidge smelled like freshly cut grass with a hint of lemon. Shiro's scent is calming lavander and camellias. Hunk has the smell of warm wheat and bread. Allura and Coran didn't have the nose to smell their team mate's scents but had a distinct smell of their own. Allura's scent is like the smell of white tea. Coran's smell was a strong scent that resembled sunflowers. Lance's scent was one that reminded them all of their home planet, Earth. He smelled like a ocean breeze mixed tingling sweetness of honey.

Lance's smell and aura was very helpful in comforting his fellow paladins or new alliances for the Princess. Lance was a very good at being the pack's Omega. In all honesty try were all too young. Pidge was still in their early teens, Keith, Lance, and Hunk were in their late teens. Shiro was the oldest at age 25 but still too young to be a leader of a pack. Somehow they did manage to pull it off, thanks to Lance. Lance could have rejected the idea but didn't. He took his position with grace and seriously. He looked after them, and fulfilled their needs. In exchange they protected him with everything they have.

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