Chapter 2: The Drama Queens and Asking someone out on a date

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Hey peeps! How are you guys thinking about this book so far? I'm sorry if this book is a little childish, I'm only 13!😅

3 months later(Sorry for the time skip)

It was lunchtime everyone sat in their own tables in the Cafeteria. Aisha barged in and angrily sat on the chair next to Summer. " I'm gonna scream!" Aisha screamed, Everyone around the table blinked in confusion " What happened?" Summer asked, "Chanelle! She thinks she knows everything! And you know what." Aisha said angrily, "What?" Amanda asked, "She doesn't that's what. She joined the soccer team"

Eric: Why? I thought she hates sports.

Micheal: Maybe she's trying to impress someone.

Amanda: Maybe she wants to be good at everything.

Aisha: She is good at being one thing. A drama queen slash mean girl.

Aiden: Trust me your better than she is.

Aisha: Thanks Aiden.

Emily: Speaking of the Drama Queens

Everyone looked at to the side and saw Chanelle with her little Skank friends Tara and Everly walked in the Cafeteria (Chanelle, Tara, and Everly are always together in everything mostly in Cheerleading). "Please tell me she's not coming this way." Summer looked again, "She's not is she? She is isn't she." Aisha whimpered, "Aisha relax." Emily said, "Easy for you to say. She humiliated me thousands of times in highschool and now college?" Aisha snapped, Aisha decided to hide under the table, everyone blinked.
A pair of heels suddenly walked to their table and bent down, "Oh hey Tasha dropped something?" Aisha got out of the table and sat back down as she said, "No just wanted to make sure the floors are clean and by the way it's Aisha." "Ugh, don't know why I try to embarrass you, you're so good at doing it yourself." Chanelle said, Aisha noticed that Tara and Everly had a bandage on their noses, "What happened to your guy's noses? Did someone punch them so hard that they fell off?" Tara and Everly smirked, "We got nose jobs so that it could look like Chanelles." Chanelle raised both eyebrows in agreement. The three girls looked at each other then dropped their food on Aisha, Aisha gasped then the three girls walked away, everyone started laughing except for Summer, Emily, Amanda, Aiden, Scott, Micheal, and Eric. Aisha got up and ran out of the Cafeteria, "Aisha!" Emily, Aiden, and Scott said in union.


Aisha got out of the girls bathroom in different clothes and much cleaner. She walked to her locker but bumped into someone, she looked up and saw Aiden smiling at her, "Oh hey Aiden." Aisha said as she quickly got out of his grip, "Hey I was looking for you." "Oh I went to take a shower. And I was about to go to my locker." Aisha explained, "Oh is it ok if I come with?" Aiden asked, "Sure." So they started chatting until they reached Aisha's locker.


Aisha's Point of View

Class was done so we all went back to our dorms. I was on my phone posting some pics on Facebook, instagram, twitter, and Tumblr. I'm a big social person, but I can be hardheaded and bossy at times but I am sweet, kind, and i have a caring heart. While I was on my phone I started hearing some picture snapping, when I turned my head I started to give a confused look, I saw Emily posing infront of the camera, "Em what are you doing?" I asked, "I'm*Snap* Posing *Snap* for*Snap* My new*Snap* Cover photo*Snap*." "Okay?" I turned away and continued playing on my phone.


Aiden's Point of View

I Leaned against the headboard of my bed and decided to watch on Netflix, I
decided to watch Stranger Things. Scott burst through the door which made me almost drop my laptop. "Dude!" I yelled at Scott, "Can you act like a normal human being?" "Sure. When?" Can someone please tell me why I'm friends with him.


The entire day was boring we didn't do much except for staring boringly at the teachers. Finally Class was done. It's was only Aiden, Scott, Micheal, Eric, Summer, Amanda, Emily, And Aisha were left, they were at the basketball court. The boys were on the seats while the girls were out on the field chatting and laughing at each other's jokes.

"She is an amazing girl." Aiden says sincerely as he watches her laugh with the girls. That comment made the rest of the guys 'ooohhhh' in a teasing manner making Aiden blush.

"Dude you should totally ask her out!" Scott says immediately as he wraps his arm around Aiden's shoulder.

"Yeah Aiden, the fellas and I are going take out the three girls to eat at a karaoke restaurant that Micheal approved to. You should ask Aisha and come with us." Eric told Aiden who looks uncomfortable with Scotts arms around him.

"Yeah, not gonna happen. Me and Aisha are just friends" Aiden says as he removes Scotts arms from his shoulders. The group groans at Aiden  stubbornness.

"Come on Aiden anybody can see that you two are into each other!" Scott whines at his Best friend.

"Look we are just friends and nothing more!" Aiden barks as he crosses his arms and glares at his friends. Micheal rolls his eyes and crosses his arms.

"What? Is the legendary Aiden Dawson of UCB afraid to ask a beautiful woman out?" Eric teased Aiden felt a tinge of anger inside him as he stood tall.

"I am not scared to ask Aisha anything" Aiden stated in a matter-ol-factly tone. Scott smirked as he didn't say any names, he just said the beautiful girls name, but he was glad to see Aiden was falling into his trap. Eric caught on and pitched it.

"Yeah, instead of calling you Captain of the Basketball team we should call you Captain Chicken!" he mocks as he let out a laugh. Scott chuckles and started making chicken nose around Aiden. Eric and Micheal joins his friend, he tuck his hands under his armpits and move them like wings as he clucks louder. Aiden stood there still trying to calm himself down, but he could not stand that annoying clucking sound.

"Okay! I'll show you who's not Captain Chicken!" he snarls at them as he turns arounds and began to walk over to Aisha with determination. Before he could take another step he stops himself and reserve back to his friends.

"What do I tell her?" He asked genuinely confused. It's been a while since he ask anyone out he is sorta rusty at this. Scott approached his hopeless best friend and grabs his hand and leans on one knee

"Look you just go up to her, grab her hands, get on one knee, look her deep in the eyes and ask 'what are you planning to do with the rest of your life?'" Scott manages to say out without laughing. This made everyone else laugh, but Aiden frowns and pulls his away from his Idiotic friend and stalked back over to Aisha.
"Hello, ladies I hope you are enjoying yourselves." he asks with a kind smile.

"Yes, we are thank you Aiden for asking" Amanda says back to him with a smile of her own.

"Uh is there a reason you are here Aiden?" Emily asks wanting to know if he is going to ask Aisha out already. She was at the edge of her seat and wanted this to happen since the day Aiden and Aisha bumped into each other. Aiden felt his face heats up all over again as he nods.

"Yes, I did, Aisha the boys and the girls are going out tonight for dinner and I was hoping you could accompany me as my date?" he asks hopefully while looking Aisha directly into her beautiful gray eyes. Amanda and Summer looked completely shock and Emily looks like she was going too exploded into confetti. All three girls look back at a stun Aisha. Aisha felt her world stop as she felt her heart skip a beat. Oh. Goodness. Did he ask her out on a date?! Is this really happening?! Her heart wanted to burst out her chest. The area was quiet as everyone waited for her to answer, but she sat frozen.

Aiden felt his smile starting to fade seeing Aisha hasn't answer.

'Oh! Snap out of it! You have to give him an answer!' She shouted to herself. Aisha got a grip of her person and stares up at Aiden with pure joy as she flashes him her biggest smile.

"I would love too"

Oh my Oh my, a date with Aiden. I'm screaming in joy😆

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

AyshaWonderland xoxo

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