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"Omg omg omg! Jimin!! Jimin-ah~ OMO" she squealed like a child jumping all over the place.
"What is it?" I chuckled. "It's RAINING!!! CAN WE GO OUT PLAY IN THE PUDDLES PLEASEEE" she laid on top of me and pleaded.
"The rain and snow is your favorite huh?" I said playing with her long dark brown hair.

She nodded happily. "Yes so let's go play in the rain" she stood up and tried to pull my hand. "And what if we get sick?" I asked trying to get her mad cuz she looks hella cute when she's mad. "It's gonna be worth it~ and then we could be the sick couple" she exclaimed.

"You're so creative and beautiful" I said dragging her outside the house.

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