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*y/n pov*
I was worried on Jimin. It's really late and he's not yet back home. I called but his phone was closed which scared me more. I called the other members but they claimed that he left already.
"Ugh Jimin-ah when will u be back!?" I sighed.

I heard the front door close so I ran downstairs immediately to see a beaten up Jimin. "JIMIN" I ran and helped him sit on the couch. "Just a sec im getting the first aid kit." I said and ran upstairs, grabbed it and headed downstairs to Jimin.

"Aish! What happened to u!!?" I tried to cleanse the wound but he flinched followed by a groan. After a while I got everything done and came back with warm soup. "Here let me help" I said and helped him. "You idiot! U should be careful" I hit his head slightly.

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