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-present time-

I'm sorry for your loss,Jimin.


How long has it been since her loss now?

A year.

Here you go. This is a letter she left before her death. She told us to give it to you.

Why would you give it to me now? Why not then?

Because she said so.

Let me read it...

Dear my beloved Jimin
How have you been? It's been a year now since I left. I'm sorry I never had the courage to tell you I had cancer. And I'm sorry I left you in shock. It was hard on me to tell you about it because we were perfectly fine and happy...that would have ruined everything. I'm glad that you're reading this now, that I have left this world. I want you to stay healthy, stay out of fights you little bundle of joy haha. I want you to move on and make a gorgeous family like we promised to do. I want to tell you, however don't forget me because I'll always be here with you every second of your life. I want you to smile happily to the people who care and love you. I myself didn't know I had cancer to be really honest. I found out once when I had to take mom to the hospital. That's when the doctor checked and told me I had cancer stage 2. I didn't bother it that much as I was so lost in our love life. You always made me smile and never failed to cheer me up when I needed some joy. I always took care of you and now that I'm not physically here I want you to take care of yourself and your future family.
I love you so much babe
-your spirit soul

But you're the one I promised to make a family with.....

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