Chapter One

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Its currrently December 26th 2016 and everything is well okay i guess. Well maybe i should start from the beginning. It all started on June 22nd i was on younow watching my favorite younower Simon Britton, he was on tour with a bunch of other boys including Nathan Triska, so when Simon got off and this Nathan kid went live i watched. So about half way through Nathan’s broadcast i decided he was cool so i fanned him but then he guested a kid probably two or three years younger than him, his user was woahits_jonas so I assumed his name was Jonas. Jonas just had something about him that made me melt inside. Maybe it his eyes i am a sucker for boys with crystal blue eyes. They had a dance battle and i laughed like i had not laughed in years. I was pulled out of them when my mom opened the door screaming about how she asked me to do something three hours ago. I closed the app and by the time i got back they had gotten off. I did some research trying to find the boy that was woahits_jonas i found him on everything and i then added him

*a week later*

I was sitting in my room crying not only had my mom said i could not do anything but my friends asked me to go to a waterpark with them in two days. Now i bet you are like okay big deal well yeah kinda, i kinda sort self harm yeah i know bad but i had not since i start watching Jonas last week, even if he does not know me i feel confident? because of him.

I guess i should do background on me shortly after i was born my dad left my house but i still saw him but between him and my moms boyfriend hitting me i lost it. I became violent but it was not really that i was later diagnosed with bipolar-depression and anxiety. This is also the part where the self harm started it started as like getting scrapes and bruises and then escalated to cutting as i got to be 12. My first boyfriend which i had a little less than a year ago was abusive when i found Jonas he was like surprising to me that a guy could be like that to girls. See Jonas is so sweet and caring and he tells me i am beautiful i mean he did not know what i looked like for like a month and he still did and yeah i know he was saying it to all of his supporters but still i was included.

* 3 weeks later *

I have watched Jonas every night for a month now i have made a supporter account for him. He has not noticed it but that is okay. Anyways i think i am falling for this internet boy. He went live tonight and was like “ guys make sure to post on the #jonasgirlsareconfident because i am going to be looking through it.” He got off and i went to fix my hair and change into something cute so i could post the selfie, i took about 100 and then picked and posted. I waited up hoping he would like it. He did not so i looked through the hashtag filled with pretty girls. I felt so insecure i laided down and cried myself to sleep.

*the next morning*

I woke up and checked my phone 24 notifications from instagram. I opened the app and had 12 comments saying Jonas had liked a photo. I looked through my recents and bam there it was he liked the selfie i was happy at first but then i started to freak out because he saw my ugly face.

To be continued.......

Internet Boy / Jonas BridgesWhere stories live. Discover now