Sudden interest. - Eight

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Dedicated to unePizza because she is writing this kick ass story called Bitter Sweet and I rekon it is the best! You should all check it out :)

Voiala! Heres the next chapter, hope you like. please tell me what you think if anybody is still here. you guys if anyone is still reading just let me know andyou have no idea how sorry i am for leaving you for so long its just i do have a life and school was getting tough plus some personal things were going on. anyway, enjoy!


Justin didn't some to school the day after his outburst. Or the day after that, or the day after that. Soon it was Friday and there was no sign of Justin. I know I shouldn't be worried about him, I know I said that I would never get involved with Justin or give in to his charm. But this was different, he said he trusted me. I wasn't just another girl on his list, we are.. i dont know. I guess we are friends now. 

And incase you're wondering, no, I do NOT like Justin. 

When school ended, my hand itched for my phone. I wanted to call him, text him, or something to ask if he was ok, but I couldn't. I didn't want him to think I liked him in that way. If he was in trouble or not, I can't make him think I will sleep with him. I'll be his friend. I'm happy to just be friends.

And then my phone was at my ear and I was listening to the slow ring, ring until somebody answered. I had not even realised that I was dialing his number into my phone until the ringing interupted my chain of thought. 

Jesus, my body has a mind of its own. 

At first I thought I would get no answer, and then on the 5th ring there was a muffled sound and then Justins rugged voice. 

"Hello?" He sounded like he had just woken up from a deep slumber. 

"Justin? Did I wake you?" My voice was concerned. 

"No, no, I've been awake" He mumbled. I was hearing the sound of a door opening then closing. He was walking around the house. 

"Ok. It's just I called because.. well.. i don't know.. I was worried,  you haven't been at school  since you told me about your brother.. and i dont know.. i thought maybe something had happened to you.. it's just that--"

"Sophie, Soph, you're rambling" He interupted.

"Oh.. right, sorry" 

"Look I'm fine, I've just been sick. I knew you'd be worried about me, it's all the sexual tension you have for me. I'm so hot, you want me" I could practically hear the smirk I knew was on his lips.

"Shut up. You know that's not true, we are either friends or we're nothing" I muttered and hung up. Gosh! He pissed me off so much! He is so up himself, and cocky. That asshole. He had me worried and it was all for nothing. Great, now I've just embarraced myself. 

Scoffing and kicking a rock, I hopped into my new porche. Oh yeah, another perk of living with my millionare dad, I got a new car! At first I wasn't sure because I didn;t want to seem spoiled but now I love it! 

As I drove my mind kept wondering back to Justin. He was such an ass, why did I even think I could be friends with the school player?

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