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You could say she was different. Not in a totally obvious way. If you had been with her as long as he had you would've been able to see it. She didn't turn her head to see if the boy she like saw her laughing. She'd completely lose herself in laughter. Maybe even wrinkling her eyes or stuttering when she lost her breath.

She was perfectly fine in giving her own opinion, stating the facts and laying down a solid argument. Unless of course it was in front of a class or teacher. She'd try and stand tall, turning her feet inwards, pulling her sleeves so she could hide her fingers in them. She had a habit of brushing her fringe out of her face and talking quietly, talking very fast. Walking quickly back to her seat.

She'd try so hard to be amusing and she'd absolutely kick herself when other girls talked to him. She didn't have the worst self esteem, she was quite fine with herself. Even her long but large legs and not entirely toned stomach.

But god, anything that involved with him made her question everything. She thought relationships should be held off until people we're mature enough, like junior or senior year. It was just her belief, but he made her beliefs disappear.

It wasn't like she was instantly shot up with courage either. He was always talking to that one girl, Hannah or something. She was pretty, she had the most amazing smile, she wore the best clothes. She was an amazing flirt and didn't trip over her words every time she spoke. It wasn't hard to believe Michael would chose her over Hannah. Was she even a choice in Michael's mind? Did she even exist in Michael's mind?

She didn't seem to think any guys liked her. She was dead wrong, she was quiet, but her beauty allowed her to pass off as mysterious. And she'd still talk to the sexist boys, the annoying boys, anyone who, in her mind, gave her the time of day.

She'd smile and nod through the boring conversation, eyes always flickering back to him. Wishing to be talking to him instead. And he'd pretend to not notice and she'd quickly turn away. But he did notice. He noticed it all.

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