26:You're kidnapped!

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Y/n pov:

I was sitting on a bench, waiting for Izaya to show up. I worked half of what I had to and told Dennis that I had to meet up with my boyfriend for a date. He, of course, being the awesome boss he is, he let me go and Simon had to take my place. Not that he minded, anyway.

A sudden hand on my mouth caused me to get out from my thoughts.

"Hello there~" said a familiar voice. Oh! It's that guy with a funny name! Shithead, get away from my girlfriend! Then I was out cold.

~Time Skip bought to you by Loke's nickname~

I felt myself wake up .

"Ugh...where...am I?.." I couldn't see anything it's so dark "Who the fuck turned off that god damn light?!" I yelled. Oh wait. There's a cloth on my eyes.

"Don't swear, princess~ It doesn't suit you~" the same voice called out.

"Oh god, what the hell, Shithead?!"

"I'm not Shithead. I'm Loke~ And you?~"

"*gasp* How could you! You lied to me! You said your name is Shithead, get away from my girlfriend!" I yelled out with fake surprise.


"Nothing" an awkward silence filled the air "Soooo...Why am I here?"

"Oh! It's because you rejected me and I am just bored. So I decided to beat your boyfriend~ " my laugher could be heard outside.

"You?! Beating up my foxy?! Pffft!!!-" I continued to laugh while he glared at me.


Y/n pov:

Ok. So Shizuo being the most dangerous and strongest person in Ikebukuro, he has a lot of enemies. Most of them are dumb bakas. By 'Most' I meant ALL. They can't just understand that Shizuo can kill them.

"Y/n-Chan!!~~" Izaya's voice bought me back to reality. I felt myself being lifted up from the ground and being thrown over someone's shoulder. I looked up and noticed Shizuo running behind him. He had Wendy in his hands. Wendy the vending machine. Poor Wendy. Most likely will end up in vending machine's hospital.

"Let go of my girlfriend, you flea!!" he yelled, while still chasing us.

"Nope!~ I'll keep her!~" Izaya yelled back.

After what seemed like hours, we lost Shizuo.

"Wooh! We lost him! Didn't we, y/n-Chan~"

"This time, you will definitely end up with a black eye, I swear to god"


Y/n pov: (I accidentally wrote y/n pony)

Just like Shizuo, Masaomi being a Yellow Scarves leader, he has many enemies. They don't know that Masaomi's real girlfriend is me, so last time they kidnapped this Saki girl. Poor girl. But I was happy that it was her. After all, she did flirted with my boyfriend~ HA HA HA HA HA!! Don't mind me.

I put on my yellow bandana on my face, I walked into Yellow Scarves hideout (I forgot how their base thingy is called). Before I could step one more step, I felt someone grab my hand and pull me into and alley I was passing by.

"Hello there, Yellow Scarves leader's girlfriend~" some kind of handkerchief was put on my mouth. I inhaled its scent. It smelled...weird. Black spots filled my vision and I was knocked.


Y/n pov:

*sigh* Everyone in Durarara!! has enemies even Mikado. Him being Dollars leader, he has enemies from Yellow Scarves. That means that for me being kidnapped is 89, 99% chance.

I was walking towards groceries shop, because we ran out of food. I knew that I had to turn that one alley. There's no doubt that they are waiting there for me.

I turn into that alley and walk halfway through it. Yup. I was right. There was Yellow Scarves crew waiting for me. I stopped. They all surrounded me with stupid smirks on their faces. After that, everything went black.


Y/n pov:

I was hanging out with Erika and Walker. Walker needed some ideas for his manga, so I was giving him some ideas.

"How about this guy gets jelly and doesn't talks to that girl?" I suggested.

"Hmmmm...no. I did something like that on chapter 4" anime freak #1 shake his head at this. I pout. I suggested him about 25 ideas and none of them were good enough for him!

"What about the girl gets kidnapped?! And the boy saves her?!" I suddenly blurred out. They looked at me and then at each other. Anime freaks smirked at each other.

"That's perfect! So that means y/n l/n gets kidnapped!" They both yelled out.

"Wha-" I was knocked out cold before I had a chance to tell them that they're dead meat. Welp, I'll tell them after I'll wake up.

Shinra (New!)

Y/n pov:

"Okay, so, you wanted to kidnap me, just so you can see Shin-kun's reaction?" I asked the ravenette, that stood in front of me with a smirk on his face.

"Yup~ I put cameras in his apartment so I can see him freaking out. You can see it too~" he said, pointing to computers in front of us.

"That's stupid, Izaya. You know that Celty might kill you for this." I shook my head. He just giggled.

"Trust me, you'll be enjoying it, y/n-Chan~" I just frowned, hoping that my poor lil cinnamon roll won't get a heart attack (on titan).

Kasuka (New!)

(Y/n) pov:

"Can I at least get some fooooooood??" I whined once again to the guy that was keeping me in a dark room. He groaned.

"NO! NOW SHUT UP!" He screamed at me. I stay quiet for a bit.

"But I like talking"


"If I am then why am I here?"

He looked through the bars on the door.

"Because my sis loves Kasuka and she told me to get you to starve to death" I let out a loud gasp.




Walker (New!)

(Y/n) pov:

"Let's act like you're kidnapped!"

"Erika, that's why we all love you"

So that's the reason why am I in an abandoned building where mostly Blue Squares gather. I sigh. Erika decided to check if Walker loves me enough to come and save me from 'kidnappers'.

Those kidnappers were actually just Erika with her otaku club friends. They wanted to see what will he do.

I glance at every single of them. They were all staring at me.

"What is it?" I finally ask.

"HOW DID YOU AND WALKER MET??????" they screamed at the same time waiting for my looooong story to start.

Aoba (New!)

No kidnappings because everyone know who you are ever since you didn't keep your wig on (You stopped wearing it once Aoba found out who you are.

A/n: Ok, so recently I got sucked into BTS fandom. Thought I have to get used to their fast style changing.

Have you heard their song "Blood, Sweat And Tears" ?! If you haven't, then check it out! It's amazing! Even thought you won't be able to understand half of it XD


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