Movie Night

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We finished eating, and while I cleaned up Tae took a shower. When he finished we made popcorn and went to his room to watch the movie. We cuddled up on the bed and watched the movie. He held my hand throughout the movie and gave it a little squeeze every time one of the robbers walked into one of the traps. When we finished the movie, it was still early so we decided to watch the romantic one as well.

About half way through the movie were the characters realized their love for each other but couldn't be together, Tae pulled me closer. His hand let go of mine and went to rest on my hip instead, He gently nipped at the skin in the crook of my neck. I paused the movie and turned to him to crash our lips together. He sat up and pulled me into his lap, without our lips separating. I ran my fingers, through his still damp hair and smiled before pulling away.

That was basically the furthest, we've gotten. Neither of us minded, it always ended in a make out session, and eventually, one of us would pull away and resume whatever we were doing in this case, unpausing the movie. We got back into the position, before resuming watching the movie.

The end was coming close, and the two lead roles still couldn't be together, and they had to say goodbye to each other in one long scene. They were crying, and kissing, and making empty promises. Taehyung rolled his eyes behind my back, finding the ending predictable and cheesy. Finally, the went each their direction, and the movie ended. I didn't move as I felt the tears run down my cheek, I really didn't want Taehyung to know I was crying as I knew he would tease me for weeks.

Taehyung sat up on his elbow and turned me around to kiss me. His lips were about to meet mine but, then he spotted my red and puffy eyes. He pulled away for a moment, before laughing. "Awww Jagi! Are you crying?" He said while pulling me into his embrace. I knew it was hopeless now that he discovered my tears, and let the rest of my dignity go when I buried my head into his chest and started sobbing loudly.

He didn't say anything as I thought he would, he gently stroked my head while slowly rocking back and forth. Once I finally calmed down, I looked up at him with wet cheeks and puffy eyes. I gave him an apologetic smile, but before I could say anything he gently wiped the tears away from my cheek. He leaned forward, and gently placed kisses on my swollen eyes. When he finally pulled back and smiled at me, I looked at him with big eyes. "Why are you being all sweet, and caring?" I asked. He couldn't help but chuckle, "Aren't I always sweet, and caring?" He asked with a sheepish grin.

I rolled my eyes "The last time I cried to a movie, you teased me for weeks!" I pointed out. He shrugged and pulled me closer. "Today I just realized I had the most perfect girlfriend in the world, you were cheering me on and you gave me confidence today. You were watching me, and the whole time you had the biggest smile plastered on your face, you looked proud of me and I realized that I love you more that words can describe Y/N."

I smiled widely and leaned closer until our lips met. "I love you too Tae," I said in a low voice. We cuddled together once again and started talking. We talked for hours about school, about his practice, about our thoughts and worries. We talked about the future. " I imagine you, coming home to our small family home with a white picket fence, and see me playing with our daughter. Running around with her on my shoulder. The only sound was her adorable giggle, and our dog happily running after her while barking." Taehyung said.

I had closed my eyes and I was falling asleep. "That sounds nice.." I mumbled half asleep. I heard his voice in the distance, and after a while, I felt the covers being tugged around my heavy body and I smiled before drifting off into dream world.

That night I dreamed of a lot of things. I saw the white picket fence, surrounding me and Taehyung's home and I saw our daughter sitting in the grass in our garden laughing happily at our dog that was licking her hands. The front door opened, and Taehyung walked out, he was wearing dark eye makeup and dark clothes. A girl walked beside him, she was beautiful and Tae grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer. He locked eyes with me while leaning in to kiss the woman on the neck.

"What are you doing Taehyung?" I asked, in a shaky voice. The girl rolled her eyes, and Tae sent me an evil looking smile. "Don't you remember? I debuted in BTS and as soon as we debuted, this beautiful fan approached me, and I did not hesitate do leave you to be with her." The girl flipped her hair, and they walked away. "No, wait, Taehyung!" I screamed trying to catch up with them. I felt as if my world was shattering. Literally, the ground was shaking and so was I. I fell but before I hit the ground, I was pulled back into reality.

"Y/N?" I could see Taehyung's worried eyes in the dark, as he looked at me. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, as I sat up and Tae hugged me while crying into his chest. "Shh, it was just a dream" Tae's calm voice sounded through the room. I was shaking slightly, "But it might come true.." I said with a hoarse voice. He pulled away from me, so I could look at him, "What happened?" He asked.

I explained what had happened with a shaky voice. He listened carefully to every word I said, and when I was done he pulled me back into his embrace. "That will never happen Y/N!" He reassured me "I love you! You are the most beautiful, funny, smart, sassy, and supportive girlfriend I could ever imagine! Don't ever doubt that, no one even comes close to you I promise." He said while still rocking back and forth. A thought crossed my mind, and even though it was stupid and childish I still pulled away from him. "Pinky promise?" I asked and held out my finger. Taehyung smiled widely. "Pinky promise" He repeated, and our fingers entwined. I gave him a weak smile and yawned. "Let's go back to sleep," Tae said, and laid back down on the bed, pulling me with him. He started humming in his low voice and I smiled before quickly falling asleep.

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