My Boyfriend Taehyung

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I walked out into the cold air, I shuddered and pulled my coat closer to my body. It was early spring and even though I've left the gloves and scarf at home and the snow was gone, it was still really cold outside. I stood still for a moment, enjoying the feeling of the cold air filling my lungs when a body bumped against mine.

The bell just rang for the last time and now all the student were rushing into the cold. I let out an annoyed sound before I heard a high squeal. "Y/N!" I turned around to see my best friend Sophie. She had been my best friend ever since primary school and the teacher always hated us! We were always those annoying girls, that would sit in the corner of the classroom and whisper and giggle. Of course, we've stopped doing that, I mean we are in the second year of high school.

Wow, the second year of high school. Time does move by really fast, and I wish it wasn't in such a hurry. Why couldn't we just pause at the happy moments? I sighed heavily. Sophie, of course, didn't notice, she was always one to talk a lot and now was no exception. I didn't have any complaints, though, sometimes it's nice just to have a conversation where you only had to nod and said "mhm" Once in awhile. I continued to space out while walking to the subway station which would be our ride home.

I really wanted time to stop at this time in my life. Everything just clicks, like when you just added the last piece to a puzzle. Everything was great right now, my grades were above average just enough for my parents to stop nagging about it. My social life in school was great! I, of course, has Sophie and I had quite a few other friends as well. Well honestly the other friends, were probably because of Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung. My first ever boyfriend. We had been dating for 9 months, and he was basically the most popular boy in my school. He didn't even realize, though, he was silly and wasn't afraid to make a fool of himself. His mental age was basically 3, and he was so lovable! He was always humble and did not care what your background was. If you were a good person, Taehyung liked you. Not to mention his look. His rectangle smile, his flawless skin, and his adorable nose! Plus he was a really talented singer. That combination would make any girl fall for him, and they would fall hard.

He was a k-pop trainee at BigHit entertainment and had to practice there a lot, that did mean that he didn't have much time for me, though, but I definitely respected that. He was working towards his lifelong dream, and he was so close to debuting with this new boy band called Bantang Sonyeondan or BTS for short. Which caused him to practice, even more, he even got permission to leave at 1 pm on Fridays! I mean that's not fair!

That perfect boy could have chosen anyone to date, I mean even some of the boys and then he goes ahead and chooses me, ME? I still couldn't believe it even after 9 months. Today he told me to met him, in front of the local dance studio where he was practicing today, and I was super excited! I was gonna spend the night at his place, and I've rented a few movies for us to watch later tonight.

"Why are you smirking, like that?" Sophie's voice ripped me out of my deep thoughts. I could feel a light blush spread on my cheeks. "No reason!" I said quickly, a bit too quickly. Sophie giggled. " Awww are you thinking, about your romantic night with Tae tonight?" I looked up at her, and blushed really hard "No I'm not!" I yelled. "Yeah right!" She laughed, and we reached the station. We waited for a few minutes before the train arrived, we stepped inside and talked. We talked about everything, and nothing and it was great. The station where Sophie was getting of approached. "See you on Monday! And have fun with Tae!" She yelled as the doors were closing, I giggled and waved at her.

A few stops after, I stepped out of the train and started walking to the dance studio, when I got a text. I quickly grabbed my phone, from my pocket and read it. "Jagi! Are you on your way? I'm so excited, to see you! I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you!" Another text came right when I finished, reading the first one. "I mean it's been 4 whole hours... Hurry!" I laughed and speed up a bit while writing a response. "I'm on my way! I'll be there in a few minutes!" I was basically jogging, the rest of the way.

NOW don't get me wrong! Me and Tae were never the couple to act like, they couldn't last 24 hours without each other. It's just been a really long time since we really spend time together, even though we basically saw each other at school every day..... OKAY I admit, we sound like the gross couple, I swear we're not okay...? Just.. YOUNG LOVE OKAY??

I walked into the building, with quick steps. I had been here a couple of times, before but didn't know it too well. I did know where the lunch room was, and I had a feeling that that's there I'd find Tae. I quickly walked through the doors and saw him standing there talking to someone with a cup of tea in his hand. He put down the cup and walked over to me, and I ran into his embrace. He's really tall compared to me, so he rested his chin on my head, while I happily buried my face in his chest, deeply inhaling the familiar scent.

We pulled away from each other, and he gave me an apologetic look. "What is it?" I said in a suspicious voice. "Well..." He said while scratching the back of his head. " I couldn't get out of practice early today..." He looked down at his feet. "But if you wanna.. I mean I would understand if you didn't but... Do you wanna watch me, practice?" He looked up and I gave him a smirk. "I would love to see you practice!" He swallowed hard and looked nervous.

"Don't look so nervous!" Said the man, next to Taehyung. "I'm sure you'll kill that routine!" He gave Tae a light pat on the shoulder. Tae gave him a quick smirk, before looking over at me. " This is my dance teacher Yoonsuk, and Yoonsuk this is my girlfriend Y/N." I bowed at the man, mostly to hide, the sudden blush that rushed into my cheeks. The butterflies were flying around in my stomach, and my knees felt weak. I know it's weird that Tae could cause a reaction like that from me just by calling me his girlfriend, but I guess that's what love is.

Yoonsuk smiled at me, "Ahh it's nice to finally meet you Y/N, Taehyung always talks about you." This time it was Tae that looked down into the ground, in a failed attempt at hiding his blushing cheeks. I giggled "It's nice to meet you too!" He smiled at me and turned to Taehyung. "Well, shall we get back to it? When you finish the dance, without any mistakes I'll let you two go." Tae nodded and took my hand while walking down the hallway, with a view to many of the practice rooms. We turned into an empty one, it was definitely one of the smaller ones but it was only Tae and Yoonsuk so I guess it didn't really matter.

Taehyung had started taking single lessons after he was pointed out as one of the candidates to the new group, every other day he would take dance lessons. When he didn't dance he was singing his heart out. We'd spend a lot of time in school together, but it wasn't the same as before.

We walked into the room and Yoonsuk and Tae walked in front of the mirror, Yoonsuk turned to me. "Y/N, would you mind being our DJ, for the day? You just have to pause and unpause the song." I nodded and walked over to him. He quickly showed me, how to do it and he walked into the middle of the room again. Taehyung gave me a half-smile, showing me how nervous he was. I send him a reassuring smile and started the music.

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