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<<Lapis p.o.v>>
My name is lapis lazuli, I'm 22, and live alone. My only reason for living alone is my parents kicked me out because I was lesbian. I wanted to avoid telling them, but things changed when my sister opened her mouth. My mother was against gays and lesbians, and strongly expressed that when my secret came out. She sent me away with nothing I was only 17 at the time. With very little things and no where to go I had to find a place. Only $200 in my pocket I was screwed, so I looked all around beach city for a place. But with no luck I decided to look elsewhere. Soon enough I was wondering deep into the forest. It was dark but soon I came across a shack by a river. The shack was abandoned and in bad conditions. A window was bored up, and some wood was broken, Then curiously I decided to go inside. When I step inside all that was there was an axe, knife and a rope. Then as I searched the place I found a note, it was a suicide note.

The Note
I can go on with my life, I've been alone for 39 years in this shack. My wife died and my son left me to rot away. I had nobody for so long, I've lost the will to wake up everyday and face the pain of life. Mother and father I'll be with you now in heaven, son if your still alive I hope you have a better life then I had.
My death was meant to be don't try and save me now, it's too late good bye world.

Soon I was finished reading the suicide note. Then I explored more of the shack, I went outside it was dark I decided to make a fire by the river. The moon shined down on the river, soon I was done making the fire. Sitting by the fire with my things surrounding me thinking about my future. Knowing I was very tired from walking through the woods for a while until discovering this shack. Getting late I decided to set up in the shack. Soon finishing carrying all my stuff inside, I placed my sleeping bag in the corner of the shack. My tired self climbed in the sleeping bag keeping all my belongings close to me, and soon I dosed off to sleep. I've live here ever since and work in a convenient store in beach city. I only make enough to get very limited supplies for myself. I don't have much an I have no friends. I work 4 times a week for 9 hours, and get paid 5 dollars an hour. It's been my fifth year living alone nobody has ever come here. It's in the part of the forest nobody knows about, and it's blocked by Mountain. I've worked hard to make the shack livable. I made a table and repaired the outside. I had to get to work soon it was 3:30 am to arrive on time leaving so early would be needed. I got up and went outside to the river. I didn't have any plumbing, so I used the river for a bathing source, also I needed water. I cleaned myself and changed into my work clothes, then grabbing my backpack I headed off to work. Walking from my shack to work took a while, but I need money to survive, it's worth all the trouble.

Getting to the top of the Mountain the sun started to rise, it was so beautiful to look at. Looking at my watch then looking at the time it was 4:53am, looks like I could get there by 6:50 am. Walking a while longer I got close to being out of the forest and into the country. I got to the country side then walked by a barn. Looking at my watch again I realized it was 6:00am. I jogged through the corn field, then hopped over a fence. finally in beach city walking I started seeing houses. Soon 6:30 hit me panicking I ran through the town, finding a short cut my instincts kicked in, and I ran towards the ally. "Dead end" then I had to think of a plan. I saw a dumpster I quickly climbed on it. Tippy toeing I grabbed on to the brick wall and climbed over it. Landing on safely on my feet I was at the back off a laundry mat. "Yes close to my job if I climbed these two fence I'd be early".

Following my plan I ran to and fence and climbed it, then climbed the second fence. Sighing in relief I walked into the backdoor, my boss was asleep at the cash. Guess I had to open up today. Unlocking the door and flipping the open sigh I opened the convince store on time. Clean up the store a bit our first costumer came in. My boss woke when the door slammed. Pretty much the morning wasn't too busy around 12:00 kids and teens came. After it was my lunch brake I didn't have food or money with me. All that was left at my shack was bread and some soup cans. In the restroom I freshened  up, and used the restroom, then drank some water. I walked out and got back to work. Work ended at 6:00 pm. Another minute to go then work was over. My boss was sweeping the store, by the time he was done I could leave. Grabbing my bag I headed to the door. In Japanese herd bye it was from my boss. Replying back Then opened the door and left. Heading home I found a rusty bike in a ditch deep in the corn field. Curious I took it it still worked even though it was very old. Dragging the bike up the mountain I was tired out.

Getting to the top gave me a good idea, what If I took the bike down I'd get home faster, so I rode the bike down the mountain. Having a blast I got home in no time. It was 9:25 when I got home, entering my shack I placed my bag on the floor. I also found food stamps on the floor outside my job, they could be useful for food. Putting these somewhere safe I decided to eat. Opening a bag of stale bread I nibble on a piece trying to savour my only source of food. I stopped when eating half a slice, knowing I wouldn't be paid for about another week. Taking a clean pair of clothes, and a bar of cheap soap I headed to the river. Only hearing the sounds of nature I relaxed in the river, then cleaned up a bit, and washed my blue hair. My boss gave me blue hair dye for my birthday last year. He's happy that I wear it besides, my favourite colour is blue. Once done I got out ,and changed into skinny jeans, blue sweatshirt, and black ripped boots. exploring I came across a little hill, gazing at the stars wishing someone was here to share this moment with me, a tear fell from my eye. Sadly walking back too my shack I wondered if I was gonna be alone forever.

Getting back I washed some of my clothes in the river, and hung them up with rope outside. Tiered from work and traveling I decided it was a great time to sleep. Walking over to my sleeping bag on the floor, Getting relaxed and comfortable in the sleeping bag, I drifted into thought about my future. Do I have hope, will I ever meet a friend, will I be alone forever in this shack. Millions of thoughts in my mind about my life these past five years. From the day I lived here I've survived everything that has come my way, but I'll I wanted was a friend, money, and a real home. Each day I'm losing hope maybe I lapis lazuli is meant to be alone, broke, and depressed. Very depressed I closed my eyes, defeated by life I drifted to sleep

A/n: Hope you enjoyed my first chapter. Btw this is my second fanfic comment if you like, also vote and follow.

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