Day Three - Jake

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I was in the middle of a dream. I was imagining myself being with Emma. I was sat on my bed, strumming my guitar, and she had her arms draped all over me. Then suddenly she opened up her mouth and said, “Jake. You're going to make me late again.”

My eyes snapped open. Sapphire was stood before me. She was dressed in her uniform already (and for the first time in forever, she was wearing trousers). Her arms were folded impatiently, “Jake! I can’t believe you were sleeping!”

I sighed, “Sorry... I was having a nice dream.”

“Yeah, I figured,” she smirked. “There’s drool on your pillow and you were pretending to kiss the air...” She started laughing.

“Shut up,” I snapped. “And get out of my room. Who let you in anyway?”

“Mum’s not home,” Saph smirked. “So you can’t tell me what to do!” Despite this, she shuffled out of my room and closed the door carefully.

It was then that I noticed my old guitar, coated in layers of dust so thick that it looked like it was grey. I smiled to myself - I wondered if I could still play it?

I hadn’t touched it since Dad left. It had always been our thing. He’d bought it for me on my eighth birthday and we spent the whole evening strumming away. At first, it drove Mum and Saph crazy - I was just so out of tune that to listen to me playing was unbearable. But, after a couple of months, I could play a couple of tunes. Then the months became years and I didn’t need Dad’s help anymore.

But I still made him sit in and listen whenever I played - it was just right. Dad had taught me to play it so he should be the one listening to me as I played it.

The guitar was left in the corner of my bedroom to gather dust. I tried calling Dad to see if he wanted to listen to me play - but he never answered.

Jake!” Sapphire screamed from downstairs, waking me from my daydream.

No, I’d rather not play the guitar. I’m not ready to do that yet.

I got into my uniform and headed downstairs. It was strange to see the house so tidy - what had Mum been up to?

“Where’s Mum?” I asked.

“At work,” Saph shrugged, grabbing her coat and buttoning it.

“What? Why so early?” I asked. Since when had Mum become such a workaholic? I remember the days when she was a waitress - she would let Saph and I come to the restaurants some evenings. We could play with the children taken there to eat. Mum would spend her time with us playing games rather than delivering people their food on time. She got fired, obviously.

“I don’t know, Jake!” she snapped. “But you do realise that we’re not getting to school any earlier if you keep asking questions...?”

I sighed and we left the house, remembering to lock the door behind us.

 The walk to school seemed so much easier knowing that I was going to see Emma later. She’d said I’d be able to come and speak to her today at lunch - how perfect!

“Who are you so giddy over, anyway?” Saph sniggered.

“What do you mean?” I said, trying to act like she was being stupid.

“Well, the whole kissing in your sleep, the happy mood, the haircut...?” she laughed, spinning around as she crossed the road.

“Jesus, Saph! You’re the one acting giddy!” I cried. What was she thinking dancing in the middle of the road?

“Maybe I’m giddy over someone too,” she grinned.

“You fancy someone?” I said. “I thought that you knew I knew...”

She narrowed her eyes, “You don’t know who, though.”

“Sure, I do. You only wear your super-short skirt (which I am not saying you can’t wear, by the way) on the days when you see this particular guy at school,” I grinned. I was completely making this up - I had no idea she even liked anybody, I just wanted to distract her from thinking about me liking somebody.

She stared at me, her lips slightly parted in shock, “How’d you guess?”

I just tapped the side of my nose ambiguously.

When we got to school, Sapphire ran off to greet all of her friends. I spotted Callum holding a football under his arm.

“Morning, Jake,” he said with a smile.

“Morning,” I grinned. “I have the best plan ever!”

He stared at me, “Oh, God...”

“It’s to get Emma!” I enthused. “Well, it’s sort of a way of getting to know her and what she likes.”

“Couldn’t you just go up to her and ask?” Callum asked.

No,” I said like it was the craziest suggestion in the world.

“Alright, I’m in. Just as long as we don’t have to dress up like girls!”

“No! I swear you don’t!” I laughed. “All you have to do is tell the others and meet me at my locker at lunch.”

Callum looked at me suspiciously, “Alright... This better be worthwhile.”

“Oh, it will be!” I said.

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