Chat is gone...

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Hey guys, Ellie here with some bad news...

As you see from the title, the chat that this book was based on is officially deleted. It was inactive for so long that Anna, Kira and I (the only ones that were active enough at this) decided that it would be the best to delete it. We texted the others to ask them and they agreed, because apparently they have lost interest at it. And so us three who took the decision, to be honest.
So just like the chat, this book is over. I have no clue if I will delete it or not, but if I do, it will stay at my drafts just like Oriland in case I want to republish it. Because the idea was so interesting and we had created such a great backstory for it! It will be a terrible decision if I completely delete it.
But it is still officially discontinued. I'm very sorry, but I think it's better this way. We have just lost interest. We can't force ourselves to something we are not inspired to do anymore.

Stay amazing, have fun at holidays, and Merry Late Christmas!!!

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