Chapter Ten: The end

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Chris: We're outside Jareds apartment.

Me: Oh, ok. But wait, why do you know where he lives?

Chris: He told us to come here.

Me: When?

Lexi: About an hour ago.

Me: W- i thought he is still sleeping?!

Lexi: Just let us in or hurry up.

Me: Ok wait a minute.

"Babe?" I nudged Jareds side. "Morning." I kissed his neck.

"Morning." Fuck! His voice. "Are they here?"

"Y-yeah. Why?"

"We're going it a double date." He suddenly stood up and stretched. Then he reached for my hand and pulled me up to him and wrapped me into a big hug.

"Wh-where?" I giggled.

"Ok, don't laugh and just come with us...we're going to the zoo."

"The zoo?!"

"Do you hate it?" He bit his lip. "It's been soo long since I've been and i really want to see some monkeys. You hate it don't you?"

"Baby i love it. I last went to the zoo when i was like 7. I didn't think anyone still goes to the zoo. But now that we're going, I'm stoked." I kissed him quickly.

"Ok great." He smiled at me and let go of my body to go to his dresser. "Then get ready." He threw me a shirt of his and smirked at me.

"Babe, that's probably too big on me." I chuckled.

"So? It'll look cute. A boyfriend, wearing his boyfriends clothes. It's cute."

"Ok." I giggled while blushing a bit. I put his soft and slightly big shirt on and was overwhelmed with his smell. It has been on me the whole time, when I'm with him but his just gave another wave of his smell out and i couldn't stop smelling it.

"I love you." He ran to me to peck my lips and roamed around the appartment to get things like keys, wallet and phone and then, we walked out of the door and down to Chris' car.

"Hey gyus." Lexi jumped out of the car and hugged both of us with a kiss on the cheek added after it.

"Hey." We said in union. We nodded our heads at Chris who just wanted to stand up out of his car but we motioned for him to get back in and we started driving to the zoo.

"That shirt looks good on you baby." He whispered into my ear, grabbing for my hand. "Looks sexy." He winked at me.

"Suddenly i don't want to go to the zoo anymore." I whispered and kissed his lips gently.

"Well," he kissed my jaw and sucked on the space beneath my ear. "We have to wait a bit because we are going to see monkeys. And after the zoo, we can have some more fun." He bit my earlobe lightly.

"Ok." I sighed.

"Boys, keep it together. No fucking in my car." Chris turned to us threateningly.

"Aww." I pouted.

Jared just giggled and kissed me. He was about to pull him away but but i linked my hand behind his neck and pulled him closer to me so i could kiss him properly. "I love you." I whispered into our kiss.

"I love you too." I felt his face grow hot.


We've been in the zoo for about 2 hours now and it was just cutes all around us.

The Barista (BoyxBoy) // FTM // CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now