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Max came to, the world spinning around him. The wound in his left side throbbed and his head ached. He couldn't see.

Suddenly, he was tugged to his feet, the iron chains clanking. The chains were suddenly undone with a clanking. The two men dragged him across the floor, his head listing to one side.

He went down corridors and up staircases, however, the general direction they were leading him was up. He was finally dumped in front of a throne with two more guards standing nearby.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't max. My comrade, my partner. Stabbed me in the back." Max recognized that voice.

"Sam?" He asked, his head tilting slightly up to see the throne. First of all, the throne was made of bone, topped with skulls. Sam was dressed in black robes over combat gear, with a rifle propped on his lap.

"What a surprise! You remember me! I would be flattered if you weren't scum!"

"Listen, Sam, I just wanted to-"

"Save it, Max. I just brought you before me to show you that your past actions have come back to haunt you. You can't cheat death this time! Take him back to the cell!"

As he finished the sentence Max acted. He whipped around, taking the guard behind him with one punch. The other guard lowered his rifle, but max kicked it up into his face. Max then took the rifle, and hit him over the head with the barrel. He collapsed to the ground.

Max then fired on the guards near the throne. Sam ducked out of the way, the guards took cover, and Max sprinted out of the room.

"Oh max. You can run, but you can't hide." Sam called after him.

Mad Max: The Dark Shadow; a Mad Max FanFiction.Where stories live. Discover now