An Unfortunate Event

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When I was at school I had heard of this art competition and wanted to compete. The theme was birds so I drew a bird using swilling pattern and was really proud of it. The next day I handed it in to my art teacher who was organising the event at the time. She said she would cut it out and put it on black paper. One day before the competition I was helping my art teacher with putting all the artwork on a white piece of paper. What you had to do was write the name, class and grade on the back of the white piece of paper then stick the artwork on the paper neatly. When the bell went at the end of the day we were three away from finnishing but I had to go home. The next day after school I went to the competition only to find I did not win a place. I was really upset because that was my first competition and I was hoping for a confedence boost. I took my art home and decidied to put it on the wall. When I turned the artwork around I was shocked to see that none of my details had been written on the back. So they were unable to award me anything because it was submitted anonymously. To this day I still like to belive that if my name had been on the back I would have won something.

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