Takes One To Know One

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The whole situation was confusing to Mikey but he didn't let it bring him down. Sure, he had no idea when he'd ever see Frank again -- if he'd ever see him again -- and yeah, he couldn't stop thinking about him but- but he was totally fine. Absolutely.
But his closed-off posture said otherwise. He'd hardly said a word to his brother all day and he'd only speak five words or less to the customers at work. The poor thing was, lost in a sense. He wanted to see that selfish Frank again, but how? If he decided to randomly show up at his cabin, there's a chance the vampire might rip his head off or something.
Mikey sighed at the thought as he stuffed a few comic books into a white plastic bag. He didn't even smile at the customer when he handed them their items, but instead took their money and avoided eye-contact as his mind was elsewhere.
But maybe he didn't have to worry about when he would see Frank again, as the world clearly had something else in mind.
The man in question walked in shortly after, wearing a long, dark trench coat -- rather than his usual cloak. Mikey didn't notice him of course, as his eyes were glued to a comic book he'd read a dozen times before. Frank quietly made his way around the small shop, looking over the books and making silent comments to himself about them as the room slowly cleared of the few customers around.
When the coast was clear, Frank grabbed a random book off the shelf and made his way over, tossing it up on the counter over the book Mikey was reading. The man flinched and jerked his head up as if to ask this rude ass just what the fuck he thinks he's doing -- but then he froze. Eyes wide as he took in the dark creature who stood before him. He stood up straighter, clearing his throat as he felt his heart begin to race.
"What are you doing here?" He mumbled, confusion and slight fear written all over his face. Frank shrugged, gesturing to the comic book on the counter.
"Needed something new to read," He muttered lamely, awkwardly shifting his weight from one leg to the other.
Yeah. Right. Mikey snorted and crossed his arms.
"Like you read comic books."
"You don't know what I do," Frank hissed suddenly, glaring up at the man in front of him. Mikey rolled his eyes and grabbed the book, ringing it up and stuffing it in a bag, handing it back. He took the money Frank passed him and put it away.
"What are you really doing here?" His tone held the right amount of disinterest, but on the inside, Mikey was actually really fucking happy to see the vampire again. A bit nervous, too.
"I, just-.." Frank started, scratching his cheek. "I'm sorry, alright?" Mikey raised a brow at this.
"You? Sorry?" He snorted. "For what?"
The vampire huffed, clearly irritated as he looked up at the man with that same intense stare that always made him uncomfortable.
"For being such a fucking dick, that's what."
"Oh," Mikey replied, slightly surprised. "Well.. Alright." He shrugged. Frank's brows furrowed as he stepped closer to the counter.
"Alright? That's all you have to say?"
"Well, you're kinda still being a dick right now, so.." He stated, holding back a smile as the vampire groaned in frustration.
"You're a pain in my dead ass, Way."
Way? How'd he know Mikey's last name? Hm. However he found out, Mikey didn't care at this moment.
"I could be a bigger pain in your ass," He countered unexpectedly, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth. Frank looked almost horrified and so much more confused at the man's obvious and random flirting.
"Mikey!" Gerard's voice called suddenly from the side, grabbing the attention of both men. He walked over, beaming at his little brother. "I hope you're treating our customers well."
"Sure," Mikey replied, flashing a smile and looking at Frank as his brother's attention was now turned to him. "That's Frank. He's uh-.. A guy I met."
"Oh! Nice to meet you!" Gerard beamed, holding a hand to the man of the hour. Frank looked almost skeptical as he took his hand and shook it.
"You're Mikey's brother?"
"Yep! The oldest. The bigger geek too, I suppose." Gerard shrugged with a soft grin. He wasn't bad looking -- no, not at all. In fact, he was fucking gorgeous. Much like Mikey.
The vampire smirked as he stuffed his hands in his coat pockets, his lip catching between his teeth as he openly eyed the brother. His eyes briefly flicked to Mikey and -- just as he thought. The man's eyes were filled with pure jealousy. Frank nearly burst out laughing before his playful expression dropped, his usual solemn posture returning.
"I wanna hang out again.. If you'll have me." He mumbled, shifting slightly as Gerard was still standing there watching the two of them.
"You can come over?" Mikey suggested, briefly glancing at his brother with 'get out of here' eyes. "My shift's almost up."
"Alright. See you then." Frank nodded, grabbing his purchase and bowing slightly -- more for show -- as he backed away and walked out.
Mikey couldn't help the smile he broke out once the vampire was out of the shop. He felt fucking ecstatic and hopeful. Beside him, Gerard shook his head.
"That guy's weird," He spoke, but smiled when Mikey looked up at him. "I'll be home much later tonight.. Just a heads up." Gerard smirked slightly and walked off, leaving his little brother alone to blush and smile stupidly to himself.

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