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youngjae's pov:

i was back in the run down building again, crying this time. my dad did something i never thought he would do.

he slapped me.

why do my parents have to fight all the time? why did they bring me into this? what did i do?

i just want it to stop.

i walked to the little door that was in the wall. then i opened it,grabbed a snack and sat down in the tent-like bed i had made.

while eating i was sobbing. it was a bad combination i know, but eating the snack cheered me up a bit. i like to eat.


jaebum's pov:

oh, what a surprise! they're fighting again. i head out of my house through the window as usual and headed to the alley way i had found yesterday. i sat there in the corner for a while and soon i accidentally fell asleep.

when i woke up i looked up at the sky and could see it was dark outside, but something about it was different.

a run down building to the left of me had a light on.

that's odd. 

isn't a run down building supposed to be run-down?

i jumped over the fence that separated me from the run-down building. when i got over the fence i started to walk towards the building.

soon enough i reached the building and entered it. i looked around and soon saw a door with light peaking through it. i started to walk towards the door and when i got to the door i could here a faint noise.

it was the sound of a boy sobbing quietly.

Broken Home .:. 2jaeWhere stories live. Discover now