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youngjae's pov:

it has been a week since me and jaebum met. we met almost everyday. i guess you could say i didn't feel so lonely anymore. jaebum and i have gotten really close since the day we met. i even got him a tent-like bed that he could sleep in if he wanted to spend the night, which he always did. sometimes him and i went to a bakery or a cafe and we ate and talked there. 

jaebum makes everything better.

today wasn't really a good day. my parents have started to get abusive towards me. whenever i looked in the mirror and look at my torso and waist i feel disgusted looking at all the bruises, but today was different.

i was downstairs when my dad yelled and threw his beer bottle at me. it cut me really bad. i knew i had to leave. i quickly ran up stairs and bandaged up the wound from the bottle, put on a white long sleeve shirt and escape out my window. i knew they always gave me bruises, but this was the first time they had ever made me bleed.

i could feel tears running down my eyes as i walked to jaebum and i's secret place.  i took my time and watched the sunset while walking. i finally reached the place and i went inside. i had tears running down my cheeks by now. i opened the door and walked into where jaebum and i stay. then i laid down on my tent-like bed and continued to cry.


jaebum's pov:

they fought once again over something stupid, as always. youngjae and i have become really good friends since the day i found the secret place. i loved hanging out with youngjae, but i still always wondered what his problem was. he never discussed it with me so i never brought it up, simple as that, but that never meant that i didn't think about it.

i thought about youngjae a lot.

i was on my way to our secret place. i was just tired of my parents fighting. didn't really want to go back there anymore. when i got to the place i walked in and headed towards the door. 

youngjae was crying again.

this wasn't the first time i've heard him cry. i just always waited by the door and waited for him to stop because i figured he probably wouldn't want me with him, but i wasn't going to do that anymore.

i opened the door slowly and saw youngjae with his body curled up, crying on his bed. i walked over to youngjae, put him in my lap, and proceeded to hug him. i gently rocked back and forth trying to calm youngjae down, since he had been crying so much that he started to hyperventilate. 

"shhh youngjae, don't cry," i whispered

a little bit after he stopped crying, but started to snore instead. i chuckled a bit and placed him in his bed, but before i could walk away he held my hand tighter. 

did he want me to be next to him?

 why is my heart beating fast?

  i laid down next to him and held his small body in my arms. i watched him while he slept. youngjae started to move on his side facing me causing his shirt to ride up his body. my eyes widened at what they saw.

bruises all over youngjae body.

who did this to him?

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