Chapter 5

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"Cody?" Maxx called, knocked on the fighters door late next morning. It was almost ten AM, and all Cody had done was lay in bed.

"Hey, Cody?" opening the door, the man grinned sheepishly. "C'mon, Dan says get up."

"Go away," Cody groaned, waving his arm as he rolled to his side. "I'm not getting up."

"Come on, man. Zach's gone to get breakfast, let's go!" he clapped his hands and bended over to grab Cody by the arm.

"I don't want breakfast," Cody hissed, yanking his blanket over his body.

"Oh no, you are not skipping meals now." the blonde grabbed his arm, pulling him halfway out of bed before he protested. "You're gonna eat."

"You can't make me."

"Wanna take that bet?" he managed to get Cody on his feet.

"Just leave me alone!" he yelled, immediately plopping back down on his mattress. "I'm not eating and you can't make me!"

"Cody," Dan called, leaning inside the room. "Get up, please."

"No," Cody snapped back, throwing his blankets over himself again.

"Dan," Maxx quietly whispered, motioning for the two to leave.

Outside the room, Maxx started talking. "Look, let's just leave him alone for now. He had a really bad loss yesterday."

"That doesn't excuse him skipping meals," Dan argued. "I don't want him to starve."

"He'll eat when he feels like it, he's not going to starve," Maxx insisted. "He just needs some time alone."

"He could seriously hurt himself," the man insisted.

"He's had four losses now, you know this is just how he copes with it for a while. He acted like this when Dawson beat him."

Dan sighed and shook his head. "That's doesn't mean he should."

Just then, the door opened to reveal Zach with four bags from Subway. "Hey," he greeted, setting the bags down and opening one for himself. "How's Cody doing?"

"Not so good," Maxx replied. "He outright refused to get up or eat, if that's saying something."

"Seriously?" Zach sighed, looking to Cody's room. "You tried getting him up?"

"Yep. He just pushed me off and sat back down." Maxx shrugged.

"I'll talk to him," the trainer said, grabbing one of the Subway bags. "I guess this can also double as lunch, Subway was the cheapest."

"That's fine," Dan replied, already unwrapping his sandwich.

Turning back to Cody's door, Zach gave it a knock. Unsurprisingly, there was no answer. "Cody, can I come in?" Again, no answer. Zach slowly opened the door, seeing Cody curled up in the top right of his bed, right at the corner of the walls.

"What do you want," Cody demanded softly, not making eye contact, just staring at his bed sheets.

"Hey, I got you lunch." he held up he subway bag and shut the door behind him. His gaze trailed to the broken mirror on the wall. "Uh... What happened to the mirror?"

"Punched it," Cody replied as Zach set the sandwich down on his bed. "I was mad."

"I can see that. You gonna eat?"


"Figured." Zach knelt down next to the bed, eye level with Cody. "You're gonna eat. I paid for that."

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