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 Waking up this morning, I had no idea what this day would bring.. I start my first day of work officially today as the 45th President of the UNTIED STATES OF AMERICA.

Wow I can't believe that I'm waking up in the WHITE HOUSE, by the grace of God our true voters, campaign managers, and volunteers, Lawrence , and I  did it.

 As I'm laying here my phone starts to ring.. I reach over to grab it, not really looking at the caller I.D I  just answered. 

   I wish I hadn't.

 "Hello, Julius baby we did it."

  WW-What?? she caught me off guard..

 "What did we do"?

"We are now head of state, Jamie replied," I laugh a little before I correct her.

"No Jamie, The three branches of Government runs the country, and since your not one to listen let's go over those three branches shall we? now, pay close attention you will be tested at the end."

" The Legislative what do they do Jamie?

" um mm.. make the laws."

" Very good."

 "2 who are the Executive's?"

"You and Lawrence... Right?"

"Yes, and what are we to do?"

" Carries out the laws?"

" Excellent, now last one What does the Judicial portion do?

 " They evaluate the laws I believe.... Right?"

 "Yes, yes they do."

 " My next question, where did you fit in all of this?"

" Julius, I don't know what to say?"

" Of course you don't I strongly believe you have your wires crossed some where."

 Where on earth did you get we from? as in you and I."

 Rolling my eyes, I can see this is going to be a long 4 yrs. "Jamie how did you get my private number?" I asked knowing damn,well, that she is going to try and say my mother.

"Oh, you know how I got it Julius, from your mom" I laughed and said, "those are lies your tellin." 

Right before I hung up the phone.

I heard her try and say something else before I pushed the end button, who cares, I truly don't.

          My name is Julius Pentz Williamson ll I'm, 40 yrs old, African-American and Trinidadian descent I stand about 6"6 inches pure muscle and a little fluff around my stomach, a little love handle if you will.  It's nothing that I can't work off I just choose not to at the moment. I was born and raised here in the US.

My father came to America in the 60's and soon after his childhood friends from Trinidad followed, he and my mother raised four sons in the Maryland, area the county is Prince George, and we lived in a very quiet street in Fort Washington, MD. Back then the Fort Washington, community was an up and coming black community for wealthy individuals and their families, I grew up around there never able to slide to the other side dad would not allow it. Meaning to the hood or ghetto.

 Mainly the reason look at me now, I was able to keep my nose clean and my name out of the papers in a negative way and that goes for my brothers as well. I believe father, wanted us to have a better life then he had back home in Trinidad. Most would say that he pushed us into greatness, and yes, father raised us with an iron fist not to hit or harm but to push us to our best potential.

 Which brings me to the woman I was just speaking with Jamie, my ex I'm aware of the breakup but for some reason she seems to have memory lapse when it comes to our non-existed relationship. I understand the rulers she don't, and can't as long as I'm in the oval office she shall continue to push her way into my life and my bed.

 I'm here, Thank You Lord!!! I say my silent prayers on my hands and knees, that's another reason why Jamie, and I could not make it, she was not a GOD FEARING woman that would pray with me or for me like I did for her. I could never understand why people never paid homage to the father above. He has guided me through my darkest hours, he was my shield from my enemies during my campaign. I have nothing but LOVE and RESPECT for my father and his mercy.

The campaign was life changing I really had the chance to see who was really in my corner, my family was there for me all the way Lawrence, my running mate, bestfriend, and Vice President stayed true. But it was a few that went a little overboard, with things they knew nothing about.

My ancestry I'm part African- American, and Trinidadian they tried to through me under the bus with that, saying I was not American and should not be running for Presidency they gave me and my campaign hell. But, I stayed strong in my faith never wavier to far from him. But believe me they tried everything. I worked very hard to get to where I am I ran because I felt that the country needed a strong leader they must have agreed as well, here I am.

They could not focus on my positives at all they breezed through my credentials I am an Yale graduate with a degree in Political Science, my  Masters degree from Columbia University in Business, and my Law degree from Cornell University. No none of that mattered they focused solely on my ancestry background and how come my father is from Trinidad.

It's funny though, with all of their complaining I still made it..

You know my parents raised us very differently from your normal black family, I grew up listening to classical music, father did not tolerate bad grammar at all so yes, I speak very, very, very  proper English okay, I'm preppy. I could not rap any lyrics to a rap song, or album is that what they are called? I don't know but I grew up on the other side I don't speak slang at all.  And when i cruse I don't use the words the way my brothers or my sisters do.

I speak as a Caucasian, and yet my skin is dark. As a young man growing up we did not watch videos, or danced to the latest dance crave father was not having it so to put it simply I'm a square.

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