The Ignorant Author

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Author: I have a question for you guys!

Solar: what question?

Thunderstorm: I hope it's a nice question

Cyclone: what do you mean with a 'nice question'?

Quake: same as Hali..

Blaze: yeay!! Question!!

Ice: it must?

Thorn: ow ow! I know the answer!

All except Thorn: *palm face*

Author: I haven't ask you

Thorn: heheh..

Author: okay, let's start! First question, who likes Yaya?

Quake: come on!!!

Thunderstorm: can you change the question?

Thorn: you already know the answer!

Ice: change the question!!

Blaze: what kind of question you ask?

Cyclone: hey, come on! It's not fun!

Author: it's fun for me! *evil laugh*

Solar: I hate you, author!!

Author: I hate you too, Solar! *smirks* But, you guys must tell the truth!

Cyclone: all of us *blushes*

Thunderstorm: hey!! *blushes*

Quake: can you keep the secret, Cy??!! *blushes*

Solar: uughh!! I hate the author!! *blushes*

Thorn: CYCLONE!!! WHY YOU- *blushes*

Blaze: *blushes*I want to burn you, Cyclone!!

Quake: I hope Yaya didn't hear it *blushes*

Ice: *blushes* I'll froze you, Cyclone!!!!

Author: calm down, guys.. next question, why you like Yaya?

Cyclone: she's beautiful

Thunderstorm: smart

Quake: strong

Blaze: cute

Ice: she's perfect

Thorn: she's everything for me

Solar: she's......

All of Boboiboys: *fainted*

Author:  I must tell Yaya! *run and go to TokAba's Kokotiam*

Thunderstorm: hey!! Waitt!!!! *chase the author*

Thorn: we must stop the author!!

Ice: I don't want to chase the author.. *yawn*

Cyclone: but you must help chase the author!! *pulls Water's hand*

Quake: wait for me, Hali!!! *chase Thunderstorm*

Solar: I hate you author!!

Blaze: I want burn the author!!

All of Boboiboys  chasing the author. At TokAba's Kokotiam..

Author: hey, Yaya! Your boyfriend want to-

Thunderstorm: hey!! Comeback you here!!

Blaze: I'll burn you, author!!

Solar: I HATE THE AUTHOR!!!!!!

Thorn: *sweat drop* you've say that for hundred times!

Solar: what? It's wrong?

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