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Her personality was as colorful as her bright blue hair, which glowed in the warm light of the late afternoon. She flashed a quiet smile to you as you passed her by on the crosswalk, and you thought you'd never see her again.

Now, here you are, on her couch. You're bundled up in a warm, soft blanket as you rub the sleep from your eyes. She's flipping through channels on the TV before she sighs and puts the remote down, turning her attention to you.
"How was your slumber, sleeping beauty?"
You chuckle, beginning to comb your hand through her blue locks lovingly. It was obvious that Chloe had just woken up not too long ago: Her voice was husky, her hair was tangled, and her tank top was almost backwards. Oh, Chloe.
"Great. And yours?" You plant a kiss on her cheek.
"Wonderful," she says frankly. "You stole all the blankets, love."
"I did, didn't I!"
You laugh, tossing the soft blankets to Chloe.
"You must be cold! I'm so sorry."
The bluenette rolls her eyes teasingly, making herself comfortable in the warmth of the blankets. Sleepily, you begin to stretch your legs.

You decide to make your love some hot chocolate to make it up to her. She always loved the way you craft it and insisted on you making some during the chilly winter months. You nod to yourself, smiling softly. Quietly, you rise from the bed and start into the kitchen, avoiding being noticed by a sleepy Chloe.

You enter the humble kitchen, which is glowing with light that found its way through the small window above the sink. A quaint blue flower basks in the sun, sitting in a delicate pot. Your eyes adjust, realizing that a forgotten pizza box from yesterday is sitting on the counter. You chuckle as you place it in the trash.
Now, the ingredients for Chloe's hot chocolate.
E/C eyes scan the kitchen as you list the ingredients in your head. Sugar, cocoa, table salt, whole milk. Sugar, cocoa, table salt, whole milk.
Quietly, you open the white fridge, finding the whole milk on the bottom shelf. Then, you notice the sugar and table salt on the counter. You open a few squeaky cabinets finding the cocoa. Everything is then neatly placed on the counter, ready for use. You begin to mix the cocoa, table salt, and sugar using a silver whisk. Then you heat the milk.. And drift into thought.
I remember our first kiss. It wasn't very romantic, but it was sweet. We were sitting on her bed listening to "Lua" by Bright Eyes on her stereo. A thin curtain swayed on the wall over an open window, tinting the room with mild light. She asked me if I had ever been kissed before, and I shook my head. She met my gaze in a curious, yet flirtatious way, as if she was asking me for a kiss. Somehow, that's how I interpreted her look, so I nodded, beginning to feel fluttery and light inside. Chloe leaned in, her slightly chapped lips meeting mine. A rush of sweetness came over me, but I suddenly pulled away. She looked a little disappointed as her eyes fluttered open.
"Something wrong?" she asked.
I laughed a little and smiled softly.
"It was great, Chloe," I almost whispered, leaning in again. She smiled, this time gently locking her lips with mine-
You feel a pair of arms hug your waist comfortably. Some blue hair tickles your face as Chloe kisses your cheek, making you smile. "Good morning, love," you say, meeting her sweet gaze. She grins softly, noticing your kind efforts on the counter, unfinished.
"Want some help? We can make two cups." Chloe notes.
"Sounds great."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2016 ⏰

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