Chapter 21

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Jeonghan was with Jihoon they were at the cafe near at Jihoon's univ. Jeonghan was curious how Seungcheol and Hyeyeon meet. Sure, Seungcheol told him but he knows that's not all. So he decided to tell Jihoon about that.

"Im expecting you would ask that." Jihoon chuckled. "They met at the bar, that was the time someone talk to Cheol. Well, since you left, we can't talk to Cheol properly." Jihoon sipped on his tea.

"He was drunk all night for almost 1 or 2 months. We can't stop him, he was saying your name all the time. Then, when they met, Seungcheol slowly back to being normal again. With the help of Hyeyeon. That's why they're so close."

"He was Seingcheol's girlfriend right?" Jeonghan asked making Jihoon laugh a bit.

"No, he's not. They were just friends, and Hyeyeon have boyfriend."

"I thought he dump Hyeyeon?"

"That was Reahyun. But, this time its..."

"Who?" Jeonghan asked.

"I don't want to tell." Jihoon said sipping at his tea making Jeonghan groaned.

"What the heck?! Just tell already!"

"I won't!" Jihoon sticked out his tongue. Jeonghan sighed and drank his tea. Atleast he already know and he believe that Hyeyeon and Seungcheol are not together.


Jeonghan went to Seungcheol's house at his father he want to talk to Seungcheol. He didn't talk to Seungcheol for about three days since the day he sleep in Seungcheol's.

He knocked at the door and greeted by grinning Dianne. He smiled and asked where Seungcheol is and got a reply that Seungcheol was on his room. He nod and she let Jeonghan went to Seungcheol's room. He knocked at Seungcheol's door.

"Hi." He greeted when he saw Seungcheol, he smiled but it dropped. Seungcheol seems like doesn't want to see Jeonghan there.

"What are you doing here?" That break Jeonghan's heart. He didn't expect that.

"T-to visit you." Damnit! Why do he need to stutter.


"N-nothing, I'll go ahead." Jeonghan said and turned around he walked downstairs and he saw Dianne, he bid goodbye and went out of the house, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Dianne ran to Seungcheol's and asked what happen. Seungcheol just looked at Dianne.

"Seungcheol! God! This is not the time for your pride! Go and follow him! He was crying!" Dianne yelled. Seungcheol looked at her and his eyes widen. He hurt Jeonghan for the nth time. He took his car keys and ran towards his car, he drove as fast as he can to find Jeonghan.

Still, he can't find Jeonghan. He think a possbility where Jeonghan would going and he drove at the park. He found Jeonghan sitting at the bench. His back facing Seungcheol. He walked slowly towards Jeonghan and he heard Jeonghan talking to someone at his phone.

"I-I want to go back to California... Yes... I know, but... Damnit!" Jeonghan cursed and throw his phone and messed his hair. Seungcheol, back hugged Jeonghan.

Jeonghan got startled and looked at the arms hugging him. He saw a familiar bracelet that he only gave to Seungcheol. He cried even more.

"Im sorry." Seungcheol said. "Please, don't leave me again." Jeonghan felt a tears on his shoulder. He looked at Seungcheol he was crying also. He stood up and faced Seungcheol.

"I-It hurts, Cheol."

"Im sorry, please. I won't hurt you again. Don't leave me." Seungcheol cupped Jeonghan's face and kissed him on the lips. At first it was steady until Seungcheol moved his lips. Jeonghan closed his eyes tightly before kissing Seungcheol back.

The kissed was slow passionate and full of love. Seungcheol break the kissed and connect their forehead. He smiled when he saw Jeonghan smiling but the tears continue falling from his eyes. He pecked Jeonghan's lips one more time.

"I love you." Seungcheol said. "So fucking much, that I didn't realize until you leave me."

"I love you." Jeonghan smiled and kissed Seungcheol again. After they pulled away, they went to the public toilet and cleaned their face before heading to Seungcheol's car. Jeonghan smiled and hold Seungcheol's hand, Seungcheol looked at him and leaned and peck his lips.

"Do you want to eat?" Seungcheol asked.

"Im fine, actually I want to sleep." Jeonghan said smiling, holding Seungcheol's hand tightly.

"Okay." Seungcheol said and drive towards his house with one hand, because the other was holding by Jeonghan. When they arrived, Dianne smiling at them widely when she saw that they're holding hands. They greeted the women and went to Seungcheol's room. Jeonghan, let himself drop on Seungcheol's bed, he closed his eyes and smile remembering the scene earlier.

Seungcheol, saw how Jeonghan smiled so he went beside Jeonghan and hugged him tight.

"I love you." Seungcheol said and kissed Jeonghan on the forehead.

"I love you." Jeonghan replied and kissed Seungcheol on the lips. They kissed passionately that led Seungcheol on top of Jeonghan, his hand roaming Jeonghan's body, while Jeonghan's hand was on the back of Seungcheol's neck.

JEONGHAN woke up, feeling someone stroking his hair. He looked up and saw Seungcheol smiling at him, he smiled back and kissed Seungcheol's bare chest. He hugged Seungcheol tight and they stay like that for almost half an hour until Jeonghan decided to sit on the bed. He took his phone on the bedside table and text his mother.

"What do you want for dinner? Hmm?" Seungcheol said kissing Jeonghan's neck.


"Go take a shower, I'll prepare your clothes." Seungcheol pecked Jeonghan lips before wearing his boxer shorts. Jeonghan smiled and went to the bathroom. He took a shower and when he went out of the bathroom and saw a clothes on the top of the bed. He smiled and wear Seungcheol clothes. Then he sat on the bed playing on his phone, then suddenly Seungcheol appeared on his side.

"Dianne cook something for us."

"Should we eat now?" Jeonghan said looking at Seungcheol.

"Yeah, come on, the twins also wants to play with you."

Hi! If you want to add me at facebook you can go to Eyey Joshua. Add me and I'll gladly accept it. Or just click the external link. Thank you for reading this!

And, btw. I was writing a Meanie fanfic, just a short story maybe 1-5 chapters. I don't know if Im gonna publish it or not.

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