Chapter 23

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"So, your together?" Wonwoo asked excitedly. Seungcheol went on his mother's house to visit, since he got more busier than before.

"Yeah, I guess since we already kissed." Seungcheol smiled even more.

"Geez! Finally, what about Hyeyeon? How was she?"

"I never heard any news from her. Maybe we can meet tomorrow or the next day." Seungcheol said as he lied down on Wonwoo's bed.

"How about you and Mingyu?"

"We're fine and, happy. He's here earlier before you came." Wonwoo said and sat beside Seungcheol. Wonwoo pressed his index finger on Seungcheol's side. "Tell me, did you you have sex?"

The thought of that makes Seungcheol's face heat up, he can still remember the feeling when they were in Jeonghan's room.

"No." He said making it private.

"Oh, come on! The great Choi Seungcheol still hadn't sex with the beautiful Yoon Jeonghan?" He pressed his fingers on Seungcheol's stomach. "You already did it right?"

Seungcheol shoved Wonwoo's hand. "No, we didn't."

"I'll tell Jeonghan about our past~" Wonwoo teased.

"Fuck it, Wonwoo! Fine we made love already, okay?!" Seungcheol said earning a loud laugh from Wonwoo.

"Scared, are we?" Wonwoo said still laughing.

"Did, Mingyu had sex with you?"

"Seriously, no. We made out, touch each other, but we didn't and I don't know why, or is just he didn't really love me." Wonwoo said.

"Aw, so sad." Seungcheol teased making Wonwoo punched him. Seungcheol laugh and the conversation continues.


"Babe~" Wonwoo whined making Mingyu laugh and looked away from his book.


"Sleep over in our house."

"I can't we have exams next day." Mingyu said kissing Wonwoo's forehead.

Wonwoo pouted. "Next next day, not tomorrow. Come on~"

"Wonwoo, its week days, I can't okay?"

"You didn't want to be with me? Fine, maybe you're just skyping with Minghao." Wonwoo said and took his things before he went away.

"God, what the hell happend to him?" Mingyu said putting his books on his bag before following Wonwoo. He ran towards Wonwoo and hold his hand.

"Gey your hands off of me!" Wonwoo said and pulled his hand but Mingyu grabbed it again, holding it tight.

"No, I hope you can understand that I can't sleepover."

"Whatever." Wonwoo said and unlocked his car. He went in, so does Mingyu.

"Why do you want me to sleepover?" Mingyu asked holding Wonwoo's hand.

"Because, dad is coming home from paris, mom will cook dinner for us, he also invite Jeonghan and Seungcheol. I don't want to look like a fucking fifth wheel and besides I want to introduce you to dad, since you never meet him." Wonwoo said and Mingyu can heard sadness on Wonwoo's voice. If he didn't love Wonwoo he wouldn't go to that dinner and sleepover.

"Fine, I'll come. I'll just text mom that we have project." Wonwoo smiled and kissed Mingyu's lips.

"Thank you." Wonwoo said after they pulled away. Mingyu smiled and pecked his forehead.

When they arrived at the house they greeted mrs. Jeon and went to his room. Once Wonwoo open the door Seungcheol was sitting on his bed while Jeonghan lying his head on Seungcheol's lap, playing with his xbox.

"Seungcheol!" Wonwoo yelled making their mom ran towards the room.

"What's the matter honey?"

"Mom, his playing with my xbox again!" He whined making Seungcheol to chuckled.

"Its just a xbox." Seungcheol said not leaving the xbox. "And besides I don't have my xbox in my room."

"Honey, I'll clean that for you. Okay?" Wonwoo nod and stomped his feet towards Seungcheol and punched his chest.

"Geez! Wonwoo, where did you get that strong?" Seungcheol teased making Mingyu to laugh.

"Hi hyung!" Mingyu greeted Jeonghan.

"Hi!" Jeonghan said.

"Why so early?" Wonwoo asked.

"I don't have class and we decided to go here as early as possible to help mom but she refused so we decided to play."

"You decided to play not we." Jeonghan corrected and Wonwoo laugh.

"Can we go on a double date on friday?" Wonwoo asked.

"I told you we have test. And I have a date with my parents." Mingyu said, Wonwoo scrunched his nose and went out of the room, he went to the kitchen and help her mom.

"Oh, honey. Go upstairs."

"No, I want to help." The women smiled and nod. She let Wonwoo helped her.

Dinner came, they were all settled on the dinner table, mr. Jeon also there. He keep on looking at Mingyu and making the boy to looked away.

"Hon, that's Mingyu."

"I know." He said. "Are you friends with Wonwoo?"

"Actually, his my boyfriend dad." Wonwoo said.

"Your boyfriend? But, your parents was JinSung and Hyura right?"

"Yes, sir. How did you know them?"

"They are my business partner and also a great friend." He stared at Mingyu once again and proceed to eat.

When they finished eating mr. Jeon called Wonwoo on his office in the house, he sat on his swivel chair and waited for Wonwoo. Wonwoo entered and and bowed at his father before sitting at the chair infront of the table.

"What it is dad?"

"How long have you've been dating?"

"A year and half?"

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I was just scared."

"I want you to broke up with him." Wonwoo looked at his father tears brimming on his eyes.

"W-why? You didn't like him? I thought your friends with his parents?" Wonwoo was crying now and his father can't looked at Wonwoo. He can't stand seeing his son this hurt, crying to a guy.

"His marrying your cousin. His going to marry Jungkook, as long as I want you to be with him we can't." Wonwoo can't believe on what he heard. "He didn't told you? His going to meet Jungkook on friday and they will start preparing for their sons."

"Dad." Wonwoo cried even more. Jungkook was his cousin and his only playmate when their kids, all Wonwoo wants Jungkook gave. But letting Mingyu marry Jungkook will kill him.

"Im sorry son." He hugged Wonwoo.

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