Chapter 25

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"How was Wonwoo?" Seungcheol asked his mother on the phone.

{Not sure. But can you go to Wonwoo's school? Just to look at him even just for a day. Please?}

Seungcheol sighed. "I'll talk to my proff."

{No, I would talk to your proff.}

"Okay. Is he went to school?}

{Yes. He went to school earlier than usual.}

"Okay, I'll go now." Seungcheol hanged up and face Jeonghan. He kissed his boyfriends forehead.

"I think we have to move our date." Seungcheol said while hugging Jeonghan.

"Its okay. I can go to you. I don't have something to do." Jeonghan said hugging Seungcheol back.

"Okay, let's go." They went to their old school. Since its already lunch break, they went to the cafeteria.


Wonwoo went to the cafeteria and saw Seungcheol and Jeonghan, he smiled and sat infront of the couple. He smiled and greeted the two with a loving smile.

"Do you have something to do after class?" Jeonghan asked.

"Nothing, why? Are you going to give me a blind date?" Wonwoo laugh a bit.

Jeonghan smiled. "Do you want one?"

"Ofcourse!" Wonwoo exlaimed.

"Okay, but not today." Jeonghan said making Seungcheol glared at him. "What?"


"So, I was saying we'll go on a cinema and eat in the best cheese burger house. Are you in? Don't worry Seungcheol's treat." Seungcheol nod then his eyes widen.

"Wait, what?! Why me?"

"You don't want?" Jeonghan asked smirking making Seungcheol groaned.

"Fine!" Wonwoo smiled and nod to the both of them.

"We'll see you after class." Seungcheol said.


"But, let's eat first." Jeonghan said.


The movie they've watch ended and they went to the burger house, they sat on the six sitter because that's the only table that available, since there's so many costumers. The waiter come towards them.

"Goodafternoon, sir! Can I take your order?"

"2 double cheese burger, 3cheese burger, 3 special noodles and three iced tea." The waiter wrote it down and nod.

"Its that all sir?"

"Yup." The waiter went away to take their orders on the kitchen.

"Are you enjoying?" Jeonghan asked.

"Yup. Thanks!" Wonwoo said smiling. They were talking about the movie they'd watch when Wonwoo looked at the new comers. He wants to ran away but, he know he can't.

"Wonwoo!" Jeonghan and Seungcheol looked at the person who called Wonwoo.

"J-jungkook." Wonwoo stuttered. "W-what are you doing here?"

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