Where's Jus?

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I woke up to the bright sun shining through the window. I sat up, yawned, and stretched. Today is a new day, I thought.

I got out of the bed and slipped on my uniform. Then, I went to the mirror and brushed my hair. I stared at myself for a bit, wondering if I would ever go back to my world. I shrugged and smiled, happy to be in the world of AOT.

I finished soon after and stepped out of my room. I saw Eren and ran over to him.  He looked down and smiled at me as I held his hand.

"Where are you going?" I asked happily.

"Well, I'm going to the lunchroom. Care to join me?" He asked and squatted down to my level. I shook my head 'yes' repeatedly and smiled widely.

He stood up again and hand-in-hand we walked to the lunchroom. He opened the doors and we immediately spotted our friends. We walked over to the table and sat down.

"Hi Armin! Hi Mikasa!" I greeted them excitedly to which Mikasa nodded a greeting back.

"Hello Jess! You seem happy today. I found a book on sea creatures, want to look at it?" Armin asked and held up the big book. I loved sea creatures and animals so I couldn't turn down his offer.

Admin handed me the big book and I immediately began reading. It was such a fascinating book. I asked Armin if I could borrow it and he said that I could. He was such a nice person, even nicer than on the anime.

Jean walked over soon after. He was probably going to make my day miserable with some witty insult. So, I decided to start talking first.

"Hey horseface, I found your twin," I smirked and pointed to the ugliest fish in the book. I had to bite back a laugh as I saw his face.

Jean stared at the book in shock and held his hand to his chest dramatically. He made a 'hmph' sound and walked away, slightly strutting. I laughed along with the people around us once Jean had left. Eren and the people around gave me high-fives.

"That was awesome Jess," Eren laughed and I was scared he was going to pass out because he was laughing so much. I laughed along nonetheless and soon realized,

"Hey Eren, where is Jus?"

Eren looked around and shrugged, "I'm not sure, want me to help you look?"

"No, it alright. I'll find him," I smiled and hopped out of my seat. I walked out of the lunchroom and walked around looking for him.

I first checked his hospital room just in case, but he wasn't there. I also checked the boys bathroom by knocking on the door and yelling 'Jus' repeatedly. I feel bad for the people inside. I walked around some more and knocked on Corporal Levi's door.

"U-um, sir?" I asked through the door.

"Who and what is it, brat?" Levi voice rang out.

"Jessica Rose and I was just wondering where Justin is. I can't find him anywhere," I told him sadly through his door.

I heard a small 'come in' and I opened the door. I walked through and shut the door once I was in the office. I saw that he was doing paperwork so I decided not to be too loud. I looked over him and could see that he was stressed.

"Corporal Levi do you want anything to drink? You seem stressed," I asked innocently. I wanted to help him so we could become friends.

He chuckled dryly, "It's nothing you can help." Did I hear him right, did he actually chuckle?

I stomped my foot a little, "Wait here, I'm going to get some tea!"

I ran out of the room, but before that I noticed him smile a little bit. I smiled myself and ran to the room where they made coffee or tea. I grabbed a small cup and saucer, filling the cup with Levi's tea. I knew it was his tea because I smelled it last time I was in his office. I added milk and sugar and ran back to go office, making sure I didn't spill the tea.

"It's Jessica," I said softly through the door. I waited for the 'come in' and entered when I heard it.

I handed him the tea and smiled, hoping I got it right. I realized that I was probably intruding on Levi's work space.

"Do you like it? I didn't know how much milk or sugar to put. Do you even like milk or sugar? Ah you probably won't like it. Silly me," I felt Levi clear his throat and I looked up. Why was I babbling?

"It is good. Thank you Jessica," he nodded at me and I felt a sense of relief go through me as I released the breath I didn't know I was holding.

"Thank goodness and remember, you can always call me to help with paperwork. Even though I'm six, I'm pretty smart," I made a peace sign and instantly regretted it. Did people in this day and age even do peace signs. But, Levi smiled slightly again so I called that a win.

"I'll keep that in mind," Levi told me and I squealed happily. I guess I fangirl too much when I'm alone.

"Great! Oh, do you know where Justin is, sir?" I realized I was being too causal with Levi and that he was a Corporal.

"Last I saw, he was outside training," my mouth hung open in shock. He was allowed to train but I wasn't. I bowed politely and said a quick thank you, leaving the room. Levi noticed my unease and look like he was about to say something, but I left before he could.

I sighed sadly and walked back to my room. This is so unfair, Jus can train but I can't? I'm the same age as him, kinda. That's just not fair. I'm going to have to ask Eren about this later, I thought and laid down. I felt tired and decided to take a short nap. I guess I would ask Eren when I woke up.

Until then, goodnight.

I am soooooooo sorry for how late this is! School is crazy beyond belief! We have about 4 projects each month, probably more! I would normally say, 'I'll try to update more regularly!' but that's probably not going to happen. I'll try my best though!

Anyway, thanks for taking time out of your day to read this!

Until then, goodnight!

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