Why can't I train?

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I woke up to the light shining in through the curtains. I yawned and ruffled my blonde hair. Blinking my eyes for a few minutes, I let reality sink in.

"Ah! I was only going to take a short nap, but I ended up sleeping!" I scolded myself.

I sat up quickly and got dressed. Today was the day to confront Eren about Jus practicing. I thought about how to ask as I slipped on my jacket. Maybe I can just ask him? Yeah, that sounds good, I thought.

Opening the door, I was greeted by Eren and his friends walking by. I don't think they saw me because they walked right past me. I mustered up the courage and shouted,

"Eren wait! I have something to ask you!"

Eren turned around and put his hands together apologetically, "I'm really sorry Jess, but Levi told me that I have to be outside in 2 minutes. Tell me at lunch!"

Eren ran off after he looked at the clock on the wall. My smile turned into a frown as I watched him leave. I sulked over to the window and saw Eren run outside, getting tripped by Levi in the process. I managed a chuckle and looked around some more.

My face instantly drooped as I saw Jus practicing. I held my forehead to the window and sighed. Suddenly, Connie walked over and I inwardly fangirled.

"Hey Jessica, what's got you in the dumps?" Connie joked.

I laughed a little, "It's just...I don't understand why I can't go out and train, too."

Connie held his chin and thought for a second. He pat my head and sat next to me.

"Maybe they just think you're not ready? I'm sure if you ask Levi he can do something," Connie suggested and smiled. I blushed a little and nodded. I'm one lucky duck.

"Thanks, Connie. I hope that's the reason," I smiled back at him and he stood up and ruffled my hair again. He said that he had something to do and left, telling me that I'll get my chance soon. I just hope Connie is right.

***timeskip brought to you by my writers block***

I hadn't realized that I'd fallen asleep until I was woken by a cadet walking by. I thanked him and looked out the window. It was getting darker and I scrambled to the lunch room as I saw no one was outside.

I quickly made my way in and saw Eren's table. Sitting down, they all looked up at me as the table creaked. Eren was the first to speak,

"Hey Jess, what's up?"

"Well you see...um...I was wondering why Jus can train, but I can't!"

Eren looked surprised and looked at Armin and Mikasa. I waited anxiously for their answers, my palms sweating. Armin was the one to speak this time,

"Actually, we were told to train Jus per Levi's orders. We don't know the reason why you can't train. I'm sorry Jessica," he looked apologetically at me.

I nodded my head glumly and pushed my soup around, picking at the bread. Sasha came over like the vulture she was and asked our table if she could have our food. I nodded and gave her my bread which earned me a thousand hugs.

Eren noticed my expression change and eyed me worriedly. "Maybe you and I can go ask Corporal Levi about getting you to train after lunch."

My head shot up, and I nodded happily. I stood up and hugged him, saying thank you several times. He laughed and told me that it was no problem.

Lunch was soon over and I hopped a little in anticipation. Eren walked back to me after he put his tray away. We held hands like usual and walked to Levi's office.

Once we arrived at the door, Eren knocked twice.

A grouchy voice called out, "Who is it and what do you want, brat?"

"It's Eren Jaeger, sir. I have a question about training."

There was an annoyed 'come in,' so we walked inside. Levi was about to complain to Eren about how he could be doing his paperwork, but then he saw me.

"What do you want Jeager?"

"I was wondering if Jessica could possibly train along with the cadets. It's come to her understanding that Justin has been training, but she has not been allowed to yet."

Levi looked at Eren, then at me.

"Oi brat, do you want to train?" Levi asked and I felt like he was boring holes into my head.

"Yes, sir," I answered confidently. Levi looked down at some papers for a second and then nodded.

"Get ready to be woken up early then brat, it won't be easy," I smiled and thanked him a million times. He nodded and I ran up and hugged him. His mouth twitched and I could have sworn I saw a smile.

"Thank you, Corporal Levi!" My smile reached my ears as Eren and I walked out, closing the door behind us. I squealed happily and Eren laughed. I sighed happily as I thought about being able to train. I should tell Jus later.

Eren noticed my excitement and we decided to have a mini party. He told some of his friends and other cadets to go to the lunch room later so that we could celebrate.

*le timeskip*

I walked to the mini party and was congratulated by some cadets. Why was everyone making such a big deal out of this? I chuckled and pushed through the doors. People cheered, so to amuse them I curtsied.

I laughed as we played games, told stories, and everyone congratulated me. Today would have to be one of my favorite memories. The party ended sooner than I'd have liked, but I decided that it was still worth it. I thanked everyone as they left and smiled when Jus stayed behind.

"I can't wait to train with you Jess!" He smiled and pat my head.

I smiled back and told him the same. We talked a little about his training and how we have been lately. I had fun, but it was time to go to bed. Training was going to start for me in the morning, so I had to wake up early. We said our good-byes and went our separate ways.

As I walked back to my room, I spotted Levi walking down the hall so I decided to say a quick goodnight.

"Goodnight, Corporal Levi!" I smiled.

"Goodnight, Jessica," he smiled, but in the dark it was hard to catch. I can't believe I just made him smile. I'd have to tell my friends when I got back. When I got back. Will I ever get back? Maybe I could just enjoy this world some more. I thought happily and opened my bedroom door.

I changed into my sleeping clothes and got into bed. This would definitely be a day to remember.

Hey everyone! Hope you liked that chapter. I had a bit of writers block so I apologize if it is kind of boring! I think writing this chapter got me back into writing. Well, I hope it did at least. Anyway, sorry for leaving you hanging for a bit! Thank you for all the compliments on my story. And believe it or not, the 'UPDATE NOWW's actually worked. They made me want to update. So thanks!! Feel free to tell me if there are any errors(nicely please) and I will correct them right away! I'm also writing this on my phone so that's probably the reason! Have a good day!

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