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Do you feel it?
My malfunctioning heart' s still beating,
Still trying to get to you.
Still trying and trying, then retreating.
Guilt's engulfing my breaths.
It's getting through my skin and flesh and bones
Cutting holes in my long-forgotten dreams.
Seal your ears. Ignore my moans.

Looking at the frozen sky
I allow the water to swallow me.
I'm going down; deeper and deeper every day.
Don't try. You can't follow me.

I close my eyes
And choke on my cries.

Your girl is nowhere to be found.
I let her die once you were apart.
Regret was there for her, holding tight.
It grabbed and took and tore her heart.
Don't search for her comforting words.
Her mouth can no longer speak.
Her light is faded, no sun in her eyes.
Don't look at her. She's rotten and bleak.

Don't ask why.
She wasn't happy without you. 
No jokes, no smiles, no laughs.
It was her fault and she knew.

So she closed her eyes
And choked on her cries.

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