Chapter One

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Chapter one

Have you ever felt invisible? Have you felt if the days you don't go into school, people even notice? I get that every day, I'm a no-one in Westfield High, I don't mean I'm a no-one because I'm not head cheerleader, I mean; I sit at the front on my own; even the teachers don't know my name.

Although, it isn't all gloom; I do have one friend. Amy has been my friend for ten years, she sits with me at lunch but that's as far as our friendship goes. I don't blame people for not being my friend; I don't socialise and I don't want case they find out my secret.

But I only have a year left at school so I just have to get through this year and I can leave them all behind, I won't have to see any of my 'peers' again, and quite frankly I'm relieved. I know my sister is more popular than me and she is three years younger than me. But its okay I have my safe haven... my dad's radio company; Whizz Radio.
When I was sixteen he gave me my own radio show; Radio Wild, so every day after school I share my problems with other teenagers; people write in and ring up; my show's a hit yet people don't know it's me, I always keep my identity hidden and it's for the best...well that's what my dad's told at Whizz Radio uses their real names; we all have our 'Whizz Radio' name and it's great because I can hide behind something/someone...I can be someone else for a while.

But that was all before, Riley Hall intruded my life; I haven't told you about that arrogant pig yet have I? I'd better start from the beginning.

3 months earlier

Every year was the same, everyone returned from their vacations sun-kissed and glamorous, but this year our family couldn't go on holiday; Whizz Radio had hit a financial bump so we couldn't afford a holiday but it was okay because mom and I went to Rhode Island for a couple of weeks.

Amy was telling me about her vacation but I had zoned out, I was too busy picking at my food, thinking about how my slot tonight would have to only be twenty minutes as mom had booked me a hair appointment when my slot is.

"Did you hear Radio Wild yesterday, saying how she was dreading going back to school. Imagine if she attended this school; she'd dread it even more!" Amy giggled, my head shot up in confusion, I had only heard half of the sentence.

"Did you listen to her show last night Alaina?" Amy asked me, I knew she didn't really care if I had or hadn't she'd natter on about my show the rest of lunch.

"Who's show?" I asked, although I knew the answer, it was only small talk, that's how our lunches always went, I never knew why Amy sat with me, I didn't want her to sit with me and she didn't want to sit with me yet ironically we both put on a face and we pretend that we enjoy each other's awkward company. I know Amy's friends don't like me, they always come over to see Amy; nodding in my direction. The looks they give me are worse; they look at me like I'm some sort of germ on their shoe.

"Radio Wild!" Amy stared at me gormlessly; I smiled wearily, packing my lunch away slowly.

"I missed it" I lied, looking round the cafeteria, it was the same groups as usual, nobody ever mixed in high school, you kept to your group, if you were new you were simply dragged into a group, once you'd found your group there's no changing, I suppose this explains why I've stuck with Amy, we were put together by the power of high school.

"You always miss her shows, how come?" Amy interrogated, I smiled wearily trying to think of a good excuse. You know the saying 'saved by the bell', well I was saved by squawking cheerleaders; also known as Amy's friends.

"Amy!!" One squeaked, also known as Carissa, I smiled at her weakly, she was so fake; she was prime example of my last show. 'How can someone be so popular yet be so artificial?' They all crowded round Amy, some sitting on the table, others sitting on the chairs next to me, I began to feel the room close in and I knew I was close to a panic attack. I closed my eyes breathing deeply but the room continued to close in, I was trapped with a bunch of cheerleaders.

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