22- Burglar

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A/N welcome to the dark part of my mind *insert lennyface*
Btw it's really long

You were watching a funny movie in your bed until you heard a crash downstairs. No one was there besides you and your cat. Your parents were on a business trip and you refused to be controlled by a babysitter since you were 18. Your parents knew you weren't the party type, so they trusted you and let you stay.
You thought the sound was your cat, but you also heard a door creaking open, so you decided it was a good idea to go downstairs and see what's happening. That idea wasn't that good at all.
Once downstairs, you saw the door was broken. Not just a little rip, but the door was laying on the floor, with a huge hole in it.
That wasn't really a good way to get in someone's house. Everybody should've heard it, right?
You walked to the kitchen to go and look if anyone's there, taking a vase you walked by in the living room with you as a weapon. It wasn't the best, but you could defend yourself with it.
There was no one in the kitchen, but you heard footsteps behind you. You softly made your way as far as you could, to a corner. Best idea ever (no).
Being scared of who you could see behind you, you stood in the corner, slightly covered because of the cardboards and the countertop. The footsteps kept coming closer and closer, it felt like the person stood behind you. And they did.
Someone wrapped a hand around your mouth to keep you from talking and held you close. Not in a cute way, it was intimidating. Like the person would rather kill you than let you go. They turned you around and because of the sudden movement, you fell, and so did the vase you were holding.
There you were, on the floor, om your back, looking straight in the eyes of a stranger who probably was gonna murder you. He was... Well, he had ocean blue eyes and messy brown hair. He looked older, but not older than 30. And since he sort of was from your generation, didn't have a weapon- as far as you could see- and he didn't look intimidating- he actually looked pretty adorable-, you didn't care about anything anymore and decided to talk. Another very good idea. You get the sarcasm.
'Why aren't you wearing anything to hide your face?'
He looked at you with a confused expression and answered, in a really rude way, 'why would i cover my face if no one sees me in this house anyway. Besides you, then.'
You slowly started to get up, but then he ran over to you and pinned your hands down, 'you're not going anywhere.'
'Well, what do you want me to do?' You tried to free yourself out of his grip, but he was too strong. His hair fell in his face, making him look even more attractive.
It's a burglar, Y/N. Stop thinking about that, you thought.
'Stop staring at me.' He said, making you snap back in reality.
You sighed and said: 'Well what the fuck do you want me to do then? (A/N oops sorry for the swearing)'
His expression went from rude to mad and he moved his left arm from your right wrist to, yes, your throat. This dude was gonna choke you and you couldn't do anything about it. His grip tightened per second and you started seeing little stars everywhere, until you realised what he also had done.
He released your right arm.
You grabbed his left shoulder and pushed him off with force. You stood up and made your way to the broken frontdoor, but he was faster. You could've expected that, he was tall.
Before you could barely even get out of the kitchen, he grabbed your waist and held you tight, again.
'This isn't the most comfortable position, you're not my boyf-' you stopped because you realised that this person could literally be the death of you.
'What did you say?!' He raised his voice and tightened his grip even more, you couldn't breathe, so all you could get out were weird growl noises. Your body started to go numb and your vision went downhill fast.
'St- sto- p' you managed to bring out, but it was too late. You didn't feel anything anymore and you fell on the cold floor.
You thought it was over, but he probably released you just in time, so you regained your consciousness and looked to your left. He sat on your couch with his face in his hands.
'Get the fuck out of my house!' You said.
He looked up at you, but he didn't move a muscle. His expression just stayed the same. 'I'm sorry. It's just- my family kicked me out of my house and i can't find a job.'
'So you just nearly murder people and break into their houses to get stuff? That's the worst excuse ever.'
'I know.'
'You're not thinking i'm gonna forgive you, right? You broke the door and almost killed me! Really, get the fuck out. Now.' You slowly stood up, but the nausea had other plans. Your knees started to get weak again, but before you could fall, two hands wrapped around your waist softly and placed you on the couch.
'Why are you helping me? I could go to the police, i know exactly what you look like.'
'I'm not stopping you, i know what i did is wrong and i want to forget about this. I never will, though. I just want to have a normal life, a wife, kids...'
His eyes started to water and he bit his lip while a tear rolled down his cheek.
He snapped his head to you when you reached an arm out, 'i'm Y/N.'
With a little hesitation he took your hand and shook it, 'Dallon.'
'Look, i'm still not planning on forgiving you, but i think i could get you a job and maybe, if i'm gonna trust you enough, i'll let you stay here.'
'I broke your door and almost killed you, why?'
'I- i guess i'm a good person.'
'Thank you so much, i'll pay the door for you as soon as i have enough money.'
'It's fine. Let's get you a job, do you want to come with me?' You reached your hand out again and now he took it instantly and got up, 'i can't thank you enough for this, i swear. Why do you do this?'
'I'll explain when we're home.'
He didn't let go of your hand, but there were other things to worry about. Like getting him a job. People deserve to have second chances, especially when they don't have a choice.

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