14- Late night beachwalks

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It was so relaxing, walking on the beach at night. No one was there, so no one was judging you or anything. Especially when the sun just fell down, the sky was breathtaking. Even in the middle of the night it was. The sky was almost always clear and every star was visible. Unfortunately Dallon thought it was a good idea to experience this at 11pm in November. Dallon's hand in yours felt warm, but that was only your hand. Everything else was cold as hell.

'Are you cold?' Dallon asked.
'Yeah, i should've taken my warmer jacket.'
Dallon moves his hand to your waist and pulls you closer. Actually so close, it almost makes you trip over his feet.
'Haha, you almost fell fo-' he was interrupted by you,
'Not today!' You laughed.

There was silence. Not this uncomfortable, embarrasing silence. More like the silence you can only have with people who are close to you. The comfortable type of silence. Knowing you don't need to tell everything to know how you feel because the person can look through your words better than anyone else can. The person, at the moment Dallon, didn't need words to know how you feel. Even if he didn't know, he didn't need to know. It was okay.

On the other hand, late night walks with Dallon also brought up weird topics no one talks about. It was too complicated to explain, though. You talked about anything. Not even the topics other people talk about, no, not at all. Other people talk about bills, money and love. You talked about believing.
Believing in ghosts, aliens and whatever came in your minds. And you liked it.

But.. There was one topic you've never talked about.

You didn't know how Dallon thought about kids. Did he want them or not? And if yes, when? Did it matter, or at least a couple years from now? Unfortunately there was only one way to find out and that was ask him.
But how? You couldn't just randomly start talking about babies.

'Where are you thinking about?' Dallon suddenly asked.
'Uh, nothing.' You answered, hoping he would stop so you didn't need to tell you were thinking about kids. But he didn't.
'You're never that quiet and you never randomly stare to god knows what, come on tell me.'
Thanks Dallon.
Now you had to say it because you couldn't lie to him about such a small thing.
'Kids.' You mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear it.
'Kids?' He repeated.
'Yes, kids. We never really talked about that yet. And i thought maybe we should. But now is probably not a good time.'
'Why wouldn't it? No one's here to interrupt us. And you're right, we should.'
'I love kids, so i wouldn't consider it as a problem, but you're busy with music and management (idfk if this is real but just), so i get it if you think it would be too early.'
'I think we could work it out. If we had a kid, i would work less. No doubt.'
'Yeah... Maybe.'
'It'd be fine, right?'

Your conversation got interrupted by a heavy downpour, making you soaked in a couple minutes if it isn't less.

'Oh shit!' You yelled, 'Let's go home, fast.'
You pulled Dallon's arm and ran with him to your house, you were lucky the beach was close to your house.

He struggled to unlock the door since it was raining so hard and he was in a hurry, but managed to unlock it in a couple seconds.

'What was that?' He said.
'I don't know. But i do know that we need to take a bath, we're soaked.'
'You're right.' Dallon answered as he took off his jacket and shoes, then walking upstairs.

After taking a bath (your choice in what way), you went to go to sleep, it was really late already.

You both jumped in the warm, comfy bed and snuggled close to each other while Dallon softly hummed (your favorite song) to make you fall asleep in his strong arms.

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