Chapter 3

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Steve had always known he wasn't straight, just never really sure of how he identified himself. Bucky was cool with it, he didn't care. Plus, he had Natasha to worry about now.
They saw her at the park again after a few days and steve backed away as he slightly pushed him in that direction. Leaving him alone, Bucky asked her out, she said of course. Since then, they've been going out for coffee and movies quite often actually, so steve was left alone in his apartment. And boy, it was boring. He walked around town a while one evening and stopped in front of a gay bar. He decided to go inside, why not? Somewhere where he could be open and not afraid as to how people will judge him.
Inside, colourful lights flashed everywhere, people danced, sang, yelled and drank. There were people making out everywhere, and dirty dancing.
He sat down at the bar, since he wasn't just going to dance alone. He sat down next to a woman with a purple and pick Mohawk who smiled when he sat down.
She immediately poked his bicep a few times. He smiled back slightly.
"There so big!" She shouted over the music. The was obviously drunk too. "So, so, so, so big..." She said in amazement until she got up and walked bald onto the dance floor. Steve frowned and went back to ordering his drink. The bartender slid his drink. He took it a bit uneasily and took a few sips.
The bartender continued to watch him. "This your first time?!" He shouted.
Steve looked up, "I'm sorry?!"
"In here! I've never seen you around before, and trust me, I'd remember seeing you!" The man raised his eyes brows.
Steve actually blushed a bit, "yeah! I didn't even know this place was here!"
"You'll love it here! It's great! I mean, some jerks come along here and then, but other than that, it pretty awesome!"
Steve nodded. "I'll be sure to come back then!"
"You better!" And winked at him before attending to another man at the bar.
Steve turned back around on his seat and watched the crowd dance until his eyes met those of another man with what seemed as brown hair. He had stopped dancing and stared at steve too, steve continued until he started walking towards the bar. He turned around, put his drink down and took a deep breath and just waited until the man sat next to him.
"Hi." He said with a friendly smile.
"Hey." Steve replied, he hoped it was too dark for the man to notice his blushing but he doubted that.
"I caught you, staring back there."
Steve was kinda scared, but thought of something to say, "well I wasn't the only one." He motioned to the man, who chuckled in response.
"Can I buy you a drink?" The man asked.
"Definitely." Steve said and leaned over the bar.
The man ordered the drinks and extended his hand. "Logan."
Steve grabbed his hand and shook it. "Steve. Nice to meet you Logan."
"Nice to meet you too steve." He smiled brightly and started sipping at his drink.
Next thing steve knew, he wasn't in his bed. He wasn't even on a bed, he was laying down on a couch.
He sat up and groaned when the pounding of his head became really obvious. He rested his head on his hand and closed his eyes before looking around.
Then someone spoke. "Goodmorning."
Steve shot around and saw the man from last night. Logan.. "How did I-?"
"You got really drunk, I tried calling a taxi, but I didn't know where you lived and you didn't seem to be able to know what was even going on." He shrugged.
Steve looked around some more, squinting against the light, but saw his shirt on the floor and finally realized he wasn't wearing one. "Did... Anything else happen...?"
"Well you tried to take off all of your clothes. Somehow, I got you to sleep first. And man, you snore." He said as he poured a few glasses of orange juice and started cooking breakfast. He cooks too.
"Only when I'm drunk." He mumbled. He shook his head and heard Logan laughing. "Bacon?"
"Yup, you want some?"
"Oh yea." He said and got up. He pulled his shirt back over his head and sat down by the island in the kitchen. Logan slid the glass of orange juice across the island and Steve took it. "Thanks."
After that day, they continued going out. Coffee dates, hanging out at the bar, this time, both of them dancing, until they got to the kissing. Bucky had continued dating Natasha and actually moved in with her. He didn't exactly have his own place and Steve was almost never there now, which bothered him and didn't. He comforted him after his nightmares, but it was good to see him finally out himself out there too.

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