Chapter 34

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He didn't have the strength in him to shout, or to even run over to catch te falling body of his husband. The bullet going straight through tony head, leaving brain matter and blood to splatter over his face.
He didn't know if he heard Peter yell for his dad, who now lay on his stomach with his head turned to one side with blood pouring out of his skull at a steady pace.
He collapsed to his knees and suddenly the world stopped moving, he stopped moving, was unable to.
His chest tightened, his airway closed, his heart was now missing.
Tears made their way to his eyes.
Tony was gone.
There wasn't any coming back from that.
He was gone to never return.
But he had a son.
A son who was also in danger.
A son who needed him.
A son whom he loved.
A son who was also shot at.
He was still being held up by the man, with an arm supporting most of the teenagers weight by holding him up under the arms. One gun shot wound to his shoulder, but he was still losing blood, not a whole lot at a time though.
He got back to his feet, trying to avoid his gaze going back to tony.
Peter had tears rolling down his cheeks and he was clutching his shoulder. "Peter..." steve said shakily, "Peter, its-its gonna-its gonna be ok..." he shut his eyes and his tears fell down his cheeks.
The man smiled and let go of him. He took a few steps back and let Peter approach steve by a few steps before shooting him twice in the chest from his back.
Steve caught him, "NO!" He rolled him over and noticed his mouth overflowing with blood.
He tried saying something, but couldn't. "C'mon Peter, don't do this, c'mon you have to stay with me!"
He mouthed something steve couldn't make out then closed his eyes slowly and his struggled breathing stopped. "No, no, no, Peter!" He shook his limp body in attempt to wake him, but his head tilted backwards. "No...." he sobbed
The cocked the gun again, this time to steves head and he looked up with his tears eyes, "kill me, just, kill me..."
He smirked and was about to pull the trigger when bucky broke the door down. Natasha already called 911 when she heard the three gunshots and they were on their way.
The man shot Buckys arm, not knowing it was a prosthetic. So he kicked his legs out from under and immediately put himself on top of the man. Punching his face over and over with his real arm.
Natasha had head over to tony and checked for a pulse, but almost threw up when she didn't feel one and she stepped in a large pool of thick, dark blood.
Steve was still sobbing with Peter in his arms and the sight alone killed her and this time she hurled.
Peter was a great kid. Smart. Brilliant. His friture would have been so bright.
She remembered when they first came to her with their plan to adopt him. The first time Peter came home. The first time they babysat Peter while steve and tony were out.
He was gone. So was tony. And she knew steve would be somehow. Mentally, he'd be gone.
Bucky hadn't stopped until police were pulling him off. Unfortunately the man wasn't killed by the pretty fatal blows to his head.
Bucky got the police to let go of him as he went to steves side, immediately regretting so when he saw the two bodies of a man once known as tony and their son, Peter.
He cried silent tears and put a hand on steves shoulder. He only cried more and clung onto peters body more. "Steve... i-I'm so sorry..." he had to look away. The sight... it didn't trigger him though, which was a good sign, but that honestly the last thing he had to worry about at the moment.
They tried taking him and he two bodies away, they got tony, but steve refused to let go of Peter or even cooperate with anyone, not even Bucky.
So they had to literally rip Peter from his grasp and pull him away, he cried out and tried to reach for him again but only managed to grab his hand. His limp, cold hand.
More tears fell as they took him away in an ambulance and zipped Peter up in his black body bag.
Both Bucky and Natasha went with him.
They had to give him a sedative to calm down after an exam since he once again tried getting to the morgue, where tony and Peter were.
When he woke, no expression was on his face. Definitely not happiness or excitement, but no sadness either. Neither of them could tell.
Bruce and Rhodes eventually showed up with red eyes and saddened faces. Soon, Thor and even Sam from the bar came to show his support.
But, no matter how much support he was given by all of his friends, he couldn't live like this, he just... couldn't, not without tony AND Peter, the two most important people to him, those he loved most.
He tried to kill himself, he did, but he was stopped by a bunch of medical staff and soon Bucky as well. More sedatives and a long trip to the psych ward he never returned from.
He was moved from recovery establishments to recovery establishments to more psych wards and on and on and on. Bucky always came, to check in on him, to try to get him to talk to him. But no words left his mouth and yet again, no expressions lit up in his face.
Everyone else would visit too, just less often. They'd bring flowers, or tons of cards people left for them to bring to steve. Of course, he didn't care. Hell, he was barely conscious anyone had even brought him any thing.
Like Natasha predicted, steve was in a totally different world, mentally, and didn't know how to leave or even how to want to leave.
He'd given up on life, decided to just... stay this way until it was his time, old and weak and reunited with his husband and son.

I'm so (not) sorry;)

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