Chapter 13

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After that, it was like he disappeared. Tony for that matter. He'd driven back to his place, where he didn't know was and didn't answer steves phone calls or texts.
Steve tried talking to Thor, find out if he had any idea where tony might've gone.
Steve didn't know where he was, and he was worried. He didn't know if he was even alive. And of course his mind went straight to wondering if he was still alive.
So his daily routine turned into waking up, leaving a voicemail, walking around town a few times before going to work, when he'd probably leave another voicemail, then walk around town some more.
Almost a week passed and tony still hasn't answered his phone or appeared anywhere. Steve was going to call the police soon. But two men walked up to him one day, recognizing him from a file they once read.
"Are you... steve Rogers?"
Steve studied them for a minute before answering. "Maybe. Who are you?"
"I'm James Rhodes. This is Bruce banner. We're tonys friends."
Relief and terror overfilled his body. They probably know where he is. "Oh my... do you know where he is?" He blurted. Steve didn't even care about how they knew who he was. He thought he might have recognized them from the funeral, but he wasn't worrying about remembering faces at the time.
"We think so, but he won't let us in." Rhodes said softly.
"Take me there." They stood there. "Now." He ordered and followed them.
He just thought that maybe they were lying and he just got in a car with strangers, wow. Mom always shoved this down my throat. "Don't go with strangers." She'd say.
"So, you're tonys friends?"
"Yeah, since we were kids actually." Bruce said while driving. "He's always had family issues, he started drinking a lot at one point."
"Which is what we're afraid hes doing right now, but we can't get in." Rhodes finished.
Steve shook his head and sighed. They were driving down the long driveway and steve jumped out of the car before it came to a full stop in front of the door. Bruce and Rhodes looked at each other and grinned. Steve cared that much about tony, he's perfect.
Steve tried opening the door before even knocking, but a voice stopped him. And British accented... robot?
"How may I help you?"
Steve looked around and saw no robots, nobody, no nothing. He backed up and kept his place for a few seconds. "I-I'm looking for tony stark. Is he home?"
"He told me not to give that information to anyone."
Steve frowned and turned to one of the men. "It's JARVIS. Tonys father created him, tony simply modified him a bit and installed him in his house. He's an AI." Steve kept his frown but nodded as if he understood completely. "Tell him it's steve, steve Rogers, and that he needs to see him."
He hears a click and the door opened. Steve entered, but JARVIS told Bruce and Rhodes to stay outside, at least for now. They obeyed, even if they didn't want to, in fact, they seemed pissed about it. "He's in the basement, Mr. Rogers. I suggest you get there quick, he just passed out." Steve heart jumped to his throat. Shitshitshitshitshit, he ran down the stairs and kicked the door open. It was a huge room, full of machines and designs and tons of crap steve didn't know what was, but the unconscious man laying on his side behind a table couldn't be mistaken for anything or anyone other than tony.
He sprinted to his side and rolled him over for a quick second before putting him back on his side. A pool of vomit and broken whiskey bottles all over the floor. He seemed pale, and had huge bags under his eyes. His breathing was shaky too.
Steve cupped tonys cold and sweaty cheek then ran the back of his hand over his cheeks. "Tony, what did you do?" He whispered. "Why didn't you let me help?"
He picked him up and asked the AI Where his room was so he could carry him there, he did. It felt like he walked blocks to get there and his room was huge. He carefully laid the unconscious man on the bed and pulled a garbage right beside it, in case he woke up vomiting. While steve waited for him to wake, he got rid of all of the bottles of liquor he could find and cleaned the room up a bit.
Then he woke up, immediately retching into the garbage. Steve sat down next to him on the bed and rubbed his back as he hurled into the garbage. "Just get it out. Just get it out." He said softly.
When he finished, he laid on his back and took a few deep breaths before realizing he was in his bed and someone was there. He opened his eyes and saw steve next to him. "What are you doing here?" He asked, glum and disappointed.
"I was worried, you weren't answering my calls or my texts."
"I didn't for a reason." He growled and reached for his nightstand to grab a bottle of whiskey he left there, but only caught the air. "Where-?"
"I threw it out. Tony, you can't just drink away y-"
"Get out." He ordered and started to get up.
Steve shook his head and was actually speechless. "What?"
"I said get out!" He shouted and headed for the door, leaning on the frame to balance himself.
Steve frowned and grabbed his arm. "No!"
"NO! You were passed out in the basement laying in your own vomit. And i thought you were dead!" Tony yanked his arm back but steve held onto it. "I never asked you to come!"
"Yeah, well you let the robot thing let me in."
"I never- JARVIS!!!"
"Yes, sir?"
"I told you not to let anyone in!"
"For my defence and for mr. Rogers', your health is getting worse and seeing you still weren't speaking with dr. Banner and James Rhodes, I took it upon myself to let me. Rogers inside."
"I fuckin hate you sometimes." He mumbled.

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