Ch. 4

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Superstar in Training- Ch. 4

"Nice sweatshirt you have there." James nudged me as we descended in the elevator. I looked down just to confirm what I was wearing, even though I put it on less than an hour ago.

I scrunched my face in mock disgust and pulled the collar up to my nose. "This old thing? Eh, it smells like boy." I spat the word out as if it contained cooties.

"Really? I wonder why?" James sarcastically responded while the door opened and he slung an arm around me. The lobby was luckily cleared of most people surprisingly, and we had a direct route to the back entrance. I waved swiftly to the front deskman as we passed, and he tilted his head back in greeting.

"Why do you always have to be so friendly?" James questioned as I greeted another employee who was walking the opposite direction from the back entrance. With his arm slung around my shoulder, I could feel him slowly speeding up, as if in a hurry.

"Well sorry," I mocked and stopped, turning to face him. "What's the hurry anyway? Where are we going?"

For a split second I think he'll tell me, but then he smirks and shakes his head at me. "Sorry, sorry. We just haven't gotten to spend much time together recently, and I want to make the most out of this week that I can." James pulled his arm off my shoulder-much to my avail-and instead intertwined our fingers. "And I told you, it's a surprise! You aren't going to beg this one out of me."

I pulled "the face" and James's serious expression wavered for a second before hardening again. We were almost at the door, so James continued to walk along with me while I swung our arms back and forth. "That's not going to work this time Gabs. I've been preparing myself for this for a month. That puppy face won't work this time."

"Well then." I pushed the door open and was greeted with the familiar sight of James's black Land Rover, the most typical London car. The dark tinted windows hid the more than likely trashed interior.

"After you malady," James proudly announces while pulling the door open. I climb inside and kiss his cheek for a thank you.

As absolutely shocking as it may sound, James and I still haven't shared that one big "first kiss" yet. Yeah, we've been talking for a little over 9 months, but when you barely see someone, and the time you do spend together is always spent catching up on time apart, things like that get a bit more complicated. But he's never complained, and I've never been bothered by it, I suppose when it happens, it will just happen.

James closed the door tightly and started up the engine. I turned on his stereo and blasted it, in an attempt to drone out the surrounding city sounds.

"So what's happened since last month?" James casually asks, as if the statement is natural.

Probably because it is, you idiot.

"I'll tell you when you tell me where we are going." I state, stuffing an empty cup into a left over McDonalds bag. Over the course of our relationship, I've taken the initiative to clean James's car whenever possible.

"I don't have to know that bad." James remarked, stopping at a light. "Just kidding babe," He leaned in and kissed my forehead softly, "but I'm not giving in, we are only fifteen minutes away."

I was slightly confused when we passed the London city limits sign, and then kept going. James and I zoned in out of a conversation as I continued to tidy his mess of car.

"We're here." James stated as he turned down a dirt road, the sun just beginning to set. My heart started to beat a little faster.

"You're not here to kill me, are you?" I questioned making my voice seemed terrified. The car jerked forwards suddenly, a result of him slamming on the brakes.

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