Chapter 2

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I woke up to two things. 1. A throbbing headache 2. A sharp pain in my jaw. I rub my jaw out of spite and that was when I noticed the smell. I knew it from anywhere. Bacon. I'm not up cooking so...Wait? This isn't my room! Where am I? I slid out of bed and started to rummage through the closet to my right. Beside the closet lay my dress, heels, and purse. I bent down and picked up my phone and clicked it on. A blank screen welcomed me. I heard a slight whine which cause me to jump back on the bed. I leaned over the other side and came face to face with a beautiful German Shepard puppy. She raised her head then jumped on the bed. I panicked which caused me to let out a small squeal and then fall backwards off the bed. Just then a guy came busting through the door. He easily lifted me back into my feet. He awkwardly scratched his head.
"So um sorry about that. Cosmo usually doesn't like new people but she has seemed to take a certain liking to you."

I reach down and scratch her behind the ears. She leans in and rubs my leg with her head.

"So are going to tell me how I got here, who you are, and why is my clothes changed?"

He sits down in the bed and licks his lips looking at me.
"Well last night I was taking a late night walk and lucky thing I did too. I saw you walk out of a bar legit swaying and muttering nonsense. At first I didn't really pay you any mind until I heard foot steps behind me. I turned around and behind me was a total creep, he was after you. He had followed you for 6 blocks as I did too. Finally the man had enough and was about to grab your drunk butt but I went to grab your hand to get you to safety but you kept saying you wasn't interested so I finally sucker punched you in the jaw and carried you back to my house where I sat you down here in the bed. "

"What about my clothes being changed?" I looked at him accusingly.

He blushed deeply and said " Oh no no no, I um, You were awake long enough to change yourself."

"That would explain why my jaw hurts. You must have punched me pretty hard. " I said rubbing my jaw

"Sorry I punched you harder then I meant to." He said awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

He stands up and dusts the imaginary dust off his clothes and walks out of the room into the kitchen.

"So who's hungry?"

I ran off the bed and sat at his island. He chuckled before sitting down beside me. After he finished he got two Aleves out of the cabinet and a glass of water and sat them down beside me. I downed them with a glass of water.  I got up to take my plate to the sink but he expertly grabbed my plate and stuck it in the sink.

Who would have thought that my kidnapper was cute and a gentleman?

So this is chapter 2 of When Duty calls. I hope you all enjoy this chapter as much as I have. I know I suck at updating but I'm trying to get better. Writing just seems to be getting harder to do. I'm sorry guys but I'm so grateful the little bit of readers I have!!!! I just wish I would hear more from you guys.

Have a safe New Year. If you get drunk don't drive. Take a taxi or let your friend take you home. Anyways thanks for reading and  keeping being great!!!!!

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