Chapter 8

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Midorima's POV

I woke up the next day and did my daily morning routine. I changed into my uniform before going downstairs to see nobody there. It is quite early after all. I make my way to the kitchen to see Amaya preparing seven servings of breakfast all by herself. She had already made miso soup, steamed rice, and is starting to make the rice balls. "Oh, Midorim. Good morning!" Amaya says to Mr cheerfully. "Morning." I reply and I go over go check on what she's making. "Looks good." I say and as she turns, she trips over some soup that fell on the floor and grabs onto the closest thing to her to help her balance.

That thing was me. We both fell to the floor and it ended up with me over her. Neither of us moved. "I heard a thud?" Kise says, yawning as he comes downstairs. We quickly stand up and Amaya says, "Oh, I dropped something. It's fine though. Good morning Kise." Kise looks at me and then her and says, "Good morning, Amayacchi, Midorimacchi." I reply bluntly, "Morning."

Amaya's POV

After the clumsy incident with Midorima, the others arrive downstairs and we all eat. "Itadakimasu!" We all say and dig in. Time rushes by and we leave the plates in the sink before dashing out the door. We all sit in the limo like this:

Aomime Me Akashi Kise

Momoi Midorima Murasakibara

Aomine ends up falling asleep on my shoulder as soon as we get in. Everyone sighs and mumbles "Typical AHOmine..."

We drop everyone off one by one and soon enough, it's only Aomine, Momoi and I. Momoi and I are talking and we arrive at school. "Oi, AHOmine! Wake up!" I yell and he wakes up, pissed. Momoi drags him into school and I walk beside them. Momoi is in a different class from Aomine and I, which is pretty sad. 

We wave Momoi goodbye and it's now my turn to drag the huge baka into class. "Good morning class! I need everyone of you to complete this form!" Our homeroom teacher says, looking for the papers. He can't find them and runs out the room, saying he won't be long. Everyone instantly starts talking but that kind of dies down and it's pretty much silent and boring. My friend, Yuki, and I exchange looks and we both nod at each other. I flip my black hair that turns a reddish colour at the tips.

She slyly starts playing 'Purpose' by Sabrina Carpenter and as the music starts, everyone looks at her. But she doesn't care, because she's just looking at me, waiting for me to start. I start singing and everyone just looks. As the chorus comes, the music slowly starts to get more upbeat and by the time the chorus, the class starts to dance along or clap along and I'm standing on my desk. The second verse comes along and everyone's clapping along or dancing.

Everyone's cheering and I look to see Aomine just smirking slightly at me. The second chorus comes and I'm just having the time of my life, singing and dancing on the desk. The last chorus comes and I'm jumping from desk to desk, dancing, with most of the class standing on their chairs. Everyone's cheering by now and the song was about to end when the door opens and I backwards flip into my seat and everyone stops what they're doing and sits. We all act normal and pretend to talk to each other. My friend turns off the music asap and the whole class exchange looks that day 'we soooo got away with that.'

It's good to know that these guys have my back. I feel a smile creep up to my lips and the teacher walks in. We turn to him and he starts "Alrigh-..." He gets cut off by the bell ringing, meaning that school is over for the day! They all laugh and run out the doors. I waited for Aomine and we walked to the gym to join the rest of the Touou basketball team and Momoi. As we're walking, Aomine says to me "You're so reckless." I smile and say, "I know I am. It was fun though, you have to admit." He doesn't say anything, he just grins for a split second and we go over to the gym.

When we get there, Momoi comes up to us and hands me a package. I look down at it and back at her. "It's your uniform!" She says and my mouth makes an 'o' I say "Oh! Thanks Momoi!" And I smile at her. "No problem!" She says, smiling back at me. She leads me to the girls locker room and I see that it's empty, apart from one locker, which is Momoi's. I get changed and see that my uniform is slightly different from the boys. I had the same jersey top that said "8" but it was slightly tighter and had more figure to it. I had a black skirt, with red on the edges that had shorts in it. It's the type of skirt that dancers would wear when they were lifted, so that people wouldn't see their undergarments.

I slipped it on and tied my black/reddish hair into a messy high ponytail before going onto the court. I see that everyone but Aomine is out. We all talk while we wait and Sakurai comes up to me and says "A-Amaya, sorry! Could you play me one on one? Sorry! I'm so sorry! I'm sorry for-" I cut him off and say, "Sure I will. No need to apologize." I smile at him and he gives me a small smile back. Imayoshi comes up to us both and says to Sakurai "You sure you want to play her one on one? She's pretty good." Wakamatsu comes in too and says "Yeah, she's reeeaally good."

I thank them both and say "Yoshi, Matsu, I'm sure Sakurai is good at basketball. Don't worry!" I smile at them and they both say in unison, "Yoshi/Matsu?" I smile and nod my head. Aomine finally comes and Harasawa tells him that Sakurai and I are going one on one. "You do realise that she played against Kise, Midorima, Kagami, Tetsu, Murasakibara and me on her own and still won?" Aomine says to Sakurai and I can tell he's getting nervous about this. "You guys! Don't make him tense! You'll do great, Sakurai!" I say and give him an encouraging smile.

The others start practicing as Sakurai and I make our way to an empty court. Momoi comes over to us and Harasawa watches. She throws the ball into the air and blows her whistle and Sakurai and I both have a hold of the ball. I manage to throw the ball out his hands and run around him and pick it up before shooting a three pointer over his head. He jumped to try and stop me but he was where he wanted to be when the ball was in the hoop already. "How do you shoot a three pointer so quickly?" Sakurai asks me, in awe. "I dunno..." I reply truthfully and don't realise that everyone is watching us by now.

"First to 20?" I ask and Sakurai nods before running to pick up the ball. Everyone has a tactic or a strategy but I don't. I just go with the flow and end up doing whatever.

Akashi's POV

I can't help but think about Amaya as we were practising. Nobody could predict her movements. Not Momoi, nor me. My eye didn't work on her. It's like she herself doesn't know what she's going to do next. But, I guess that just makes it all the more interesting.

Kise's POV

As we were in basketball practice, I kept thinking about how I could never copy one of Amayacchi's moves. They were all so unexpected and different each time. I wonder if I'll be able to copy one of her moves one day...

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