Chapter 14

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Amaya's POV

Today's the dance, and then it's the holidays. We have two weeks off and we've been told that they'll be doing some construction with the school over that time. The teacher is late and we're all pretty much bored. We've talked about everything already. "Amaya! Can you sing for us? Pleaaase!" One person in my class said and others joined in and I agreed in the end. I exchanged looks with Yuki and she nodded and started playing a Pity Party/Control mashup. I started singing, and the backup vocals were sung by Yuki.

We were all dancing and on the tables and chairs by now.

Aomine's POV

I swear, she can make anything a concert. Ah well, might as well join the fun.

Amaya's POV

'It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,
Cry if I want to,
Cry, cry, cry,
I'll cry until the candles burn down this place,
I'll cry until my pity party's in flames.'

The first chorus is over and everyone is cheering and having fun but when the second chorus started, it was interuppted by the teacher...

'Please stop,
You're scaring me,
I can't help this awful energy,
Goddamn right, you should be scared of me,
Who is in-...'

"WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!?" the teacher bursts in to see me standing on the table and everyone on their chairs or on the floor. I guess the music was so loud that we didn't hear him come in. "AMAYA. PRINCIPAL'S OFFICE. NOW" he beams and I try not to laugh as I walk out. I reach the principal's office and knock thrice. "Come in." I hear and I walk in to see Akashi with who I assume to be his dad. "Oh hey Akashi." I say and his dad asks "You're that famous singer, correct?" I nod and bow a little "Nice to meet you, I'm Amaya Mikan." I say and he nods at me.

Someone coughs and I look at the principal and say "Oh right, the grouchy old teacher told me to come here." He raises an eyebrow. "Why?" He asks. "Oh well, funny story actually... He was late and we were bored so Yuki, a friend of mine, played some music and I ended up singing along...and we kinda ended up all over the classroom dancing and singing along." I say, sheepishly and Akashi snorts. I playfully glare at him.

"Ah, Akashi-san, this is one of our more troublesome pupils! Not all the school is like this! Just one rare exception!" The principal starts muttering gibberish to Akashi's dad and tells me to go outside. Akashi comes with me because he "has no business with the principal at the moment."


"Honestly, Amaya, you're so reckless." Akashi says and starts giving me a speech about not doing stuff like that. In some ways it was kind of motivation to be more well-behaved. "Sorry sir." I reply and playfully saluted him. "Anyways, what are you doing here with your father?" I ask and he says, "Your principal asked for us to sponsor the dance this evening and my father brought me to give me 'experience' as he calls it." I nod.

Then, the door opens and the principal calls me in. I go in, and Akashi comes in too. "You're not allowed to attend the dance tonight, as your punishment." The principal tells me. Akashi's dad is sitting on one of the sofas' on the side and Akashi goes to sit next to him. "And what about the grouchy old guy?" I ask. "Your sensei you mean. What about him?" He asks. Time for a little debate.


Amaya: He was late to lesson, giving us every reason to find a method of keeping ourselves entertained.

Principal: You shouldn't have caused a ruckus. You're at fault here.

Amaya: Technically, you're incorrect. We weren't properly supervised. We weren't supervised at all, in fact. He should be punished too, for lacking intelligence and the ability to predict what teenagers would do when bored.

Principal: But you could have waited quietly, like normal teenagers do.

Amaya: No. I'm not sure about your generation, but our generation of teenagers are way different. Waiting isn't something we're particularly good at, due to not having to do it often because our teachers are never late. This guy was. You're rebuttal against the fact that this teacher was late and should have a punishment equal to me is...?

He doesn't say anything. He just stares at me. Akashi's father is looking at me intently and Akashi is watching, amused. "Well, I think that Amaya is in the right here." Akashi helps me out. I smile a little at him and his father says, "I agree. She has stated her points clearly and has given valid evidence as to why she did what she did. She also was reasonable and didn't deny or reject her punishment. You have my respect, Amaya Mikan." I turn and say "Thank you, Akashi-san." He nods at me and I see Akashi smile at me. I smile back and the principal speaks up.

"Very well, he will not teach for two lessons." He says. Oh boy, this principal is really testing me.

Amaya: You cannot be serious right now. Firstly, not teaching is a reward rather than a punishment for every teacher here. Moreover, if this teacher does enjoy teaching, two lessons isn't a lot. It's not an equal punishment to the punishment which I am receiving.

Akashi: You should let her go to the dance. It seems as though your sense of solid judgment isn't as great as we've assumed.

Akashi's father: I agree. This girl has shown great intelligence and reasoning.

Principal: Y-y-yeah! I was just g-going to say that she could g-go...

And so it ended at that because the Principal was too scared of Akashi and his father. I shook hands with his father and gave Akashi a hug, to which he awkwardly tried to hug back, before going back to class. The teacher won't be punished and we're no apparently pretend none of this happened. I walked in and glared at the teacher. "Back early, Miss Amaya. What did he say?" He asks. I decide to have a little fun with this. "He said that you're punishment for being late to come here is to clean the hall after the dance ends tonight." I reply and he looks shocked. He calls the principal to the classroom, using his phone. He's breaking yet another rule. Tch.

The principal comes in and as the teacher starts, "Sir, Amaya here says that-" he gets cut off by the principal "Yes yes, whatever she says is correct. If that's all then I'll take my leave." And with that, he left. The whole room tried not to laugh or snigger and they all grinned or smirked at me. Aomine rolls his eyes and smirked at me, go which I replied with a grin. Ah, the sweet taste of revenge.

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