Chapter 12

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Amaya's POV

It was now Tuesday and Aomine was snoring like a maniac beside me. "Aomine. AOMINE..." The teacher calls on him. I'm sitting right next to him so I shove him. Kei hasn't come to school since yesterday. Anyway, Aomine wasn't waking up. The teacher looked at me pleadingly and I get up from my seat and shove him so hard he falls out his chair. "Get your butt up, AHOmine. Sensei's calling on ya." I say and he stands up and lazily looks at the board before muttering some gibberish and falling back asleep. The whole class laughed and the teacher was fuming. I was in between sighing and laughing.

It was eventually the end of school and Momoi, Aomine and I were in the gym. "So, have you picked a date yet?" Momoi asks me. I shake my head she says "Why don't you ask Akashi? Or Murasakibara? Or Midorima? Or Kise? Kuroko? Kagami?" I look at her before saying "So they don't need to be from this school?" She shakes her head. I smile at her and thank her before rushing to get changed into basketball uniform. I actually really like this outfit. I tie up my hair in a high ponytail and and lace up my black trainers before going out onto the court.


When I come onto the court, I see that everyone's there

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When I come onto the court, I see that everyone's there. "Sorry, did I keep you waiting?" I ask them all. "Oh not at all." Imayoshi says. Wait. Imayoshi?! "Um do you by any chance know anyone called Kei?" I ask but he shakes his head and I guess it's just a coincidence they have the same name. Wakamatsu says "I want a challenge. Me against you, Amaya. You in?" I nod my head and we get on the court. "Hey hey, you're gonna loooooooooose. Big time." Aomine says to Wakamatsu and Wakamatsu looks like he's about to blow.

He's about to go after Aomine when I say "Use all that rage, and energy, to power your playing." He looks at me and nods. Something I've learned about basketball is that it's always played better when played with emotion. Any strong emotion will do. It powers you and you take your frustration out with it. Needless to say, I won. "Good game, Wakamatsu." I say go him. I'm panting and sweating but again, my opponent is panting and sweating 10000x the amount. "You okay?" I ask him when he doesn't reply. "Yeah...jus...worn're goo..." He can't finish a word, due to his breathing.

Momoi comes over, gives him a towel and water and I go over to Aomine. "Amaya. Do you think this team is weak?" He asks me. "Yes. You included." I say back. Before he can jump to any conclusions, I say, "You guys are being held back by something. You need to trust each other more and be more team working. You all have weaknesses that you need to work on to get to at least an average level if you want to be the best. You could be amazing, but you aren't yet." I say and he nods hesitantly. "You weren't listening, were you?" I say and he shakes his head. I laugh and go over to Momoi.

"Momoi, that boyfriend of yours has the attention span of a three year old." I tell her and we laugh together. Soon, it's the end of the day and I'm back at my house. I still haven't picked a date yet. It should be fine. I just need to pick from:


Firstly, I don't know Kagami that well so I'll rule him out. Kise is probably going to be attacked by fans when he walks in and I have enough fans to deal with on my own so that's him ruled out. Kuroko said he's going to be going on a holiday with his family for a week. That leaves Akashi, Midorima and Murasaki. Well, Murasaki said he's going to be at an all you can set chocolate buffet with Himuro that day. It's down to Midorima or Akashi now. Midorima said there was a meet and greet with Oha Asa that day and he will probably be the first one there. Akashi...maybe? He's really sweet when you get to know him.

Should I ask? I call Momoi for help.


Amaya: Momoi?

Momoi: Hey Amaya, what's up?

Amaya: Well, I've come to a conclusion about who's free on the day of the dance...

Momoi: And...?

Amaya: It's Akashi.

Momoi drops her phone before quickly picking it up again

Momoi: Ah wait, I forgot. You bring out his soft side. Alright, I wish you the best. Good luck Amaya ~

And so after some time, it's now 7:30 p.m. Is it too late to call him? I mean, I do have tomorrow. The day after that is the dance. Yeah I'll call tomorrow. Should I? Okay, just do it Amaya. I dialed his number and held the phone to my ear. "Akashi Seijuro speaking." He says.


Amaya: Oh hey, Akashi.

Akashi: Amaya, how may I help you?

Amaya: Well...uh...can you come with me to a school dance on Thursday.

Akashi: ..... Sure. Pick you up at 6?

Amaya: Sure. Take care, Akashi.

Akashi: You too, Amaya.

Well that went better than I I just need to find a dress. I'll find one tomorrow. Oh, my parents are coming back on Thursday, aren't they? As if on cue, my phone vibrates and I see that it's my parents texting me, saying that they'll be home next next Thursday. Well, it's a good thing their careers are taking off! I can't wait until they get back.

I get ready for bed and go to my room, turning off the lights and crawling into bed, letting the darkness and the drowsiness overtake me.

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